Good info, thanks guys.
Now, is there a class that tends to be more "faceroll" than others? I know you listed average CPM, but like a lot of MMOs, I'm sure there are the classes that are on the higher end of that scale and those on the lower. Which classes in FFXIV tend to gravitate toward the lower end?
Conjurer/White Mage is probably the "slowest" class in terms of DPS rotation complexity (technically Astrologian or AST is THE easiest, but you can't unlock it until 50). However, both WHM and AST are healer classes, so they have other responsibilities, especially AST, which is continually fishing for buffs to dispense to others.
DPS easiness is kind of subjective; each class has different characteristics that make it somewhat of a pain in the ass.
Monk (MNK): "Flow" DPS; continually whacks enemies with mid-damage hits. High CPM. Predictable rotation, but you have a speed buff called Greased Lightning that you need to keep up. Large number of positionals. High DPS, low utility.
Dragoon (DRG): Extremely rigid, linear rotation. Has jump skills which cause animation lock and can fuck you over if an enemy drops a telegraph under you. Mid-high DPS, mid utility.
Ninja (NIN): Easy maintenance rotation, difficult opener. Has a skill called Ninjutsu which requires very fast inputs. Has a speed buff. High CPM. Mid DPS, high utility.
Samurai (SAM): Freeform-style selfish DPS with high burst. High DPS, very low utility. Unlocks at 50.
Bard (BRD): Apply two dots, keep them up, and cycle through 3 different song stances that each have different effects when your dots crit. Extremely fun to play, but very busy. Continually mashing oGCD buttons. Extremely high utility.
Machinist (MCH): Burst ranged physical DPS. Your aim is to put as much damage as you possibly can during the duration of Wildfire, which tallies the damage you inflict while it up; it then hits for additional damage based on how much you caused during the duration. Unlocks at 50.
Black Mage (BLM): Burst DPS. The class you want to play if you like fapping to big damage numbers. Slow casts, but it's a turret DPS in a game where 99% of mechanics involve movement, so there's a lot of optimization that goes into performing well. The caster variant of SAM; selfish DPS with low utility.
Summoner (SMN): Pet class. Mid-high DPS, high mobility for a caster, high utility. Inflicts most of its damage with dots, has a burst phase every couple of minutes.
Red Mage (RDM): Like SMN in terms of utility, but no dot or pet upkeep and simpler to play. Middling mobility. Lowest DPS of all DPS classes. Unlocks at 50.