Honestly based on my anecdotical experience, I'd say there's no penalty, it's just pure RNG. I've taken 10+runs to learn dungeon stuff in full BLU groups, and 1-3runs to learn other stuff with a 70unsync. I've also learned all my primals shit unsynced obviously. And again, super RNG. Garuda was like 25runs, Shiva was 7runs(but then I ran 27runs for the other 4 guys and it never dropped for them), Titan was 51runs, Leviathan was 30ish runs, Ramuh was 12runs. I haven't done Ifrit yet I'm just waiting for them to fix normal mode dropping it and then I'll solo that.
Dungeons stuff for the most part was fast but a couple took a lot of runs. Glower took 21runs iirc? Missile took 20ish runs and so on, while others I was done in 2/2 parties in like 5runs total, so yeah RNG gonna RNG.
Honestly my biggest petpeeve with the class is basically, it's not worth the limited tag at all. There's only 3 things that I think would need balancing if the class was to remove the limited tag:
- Make sure every boss has instadeath immunity. Currently, some do, some don't, and obviously on the ones who don't, BLU is retarded. As in you do 200k damage on your first missile, at i130. Shit doesn't even generate threat so it's not like then you have to tank. And Doom obviously guarantees a fight will be 15secs at most(well after it lands but it seems to land fairly often tbh).
- Probably nerf White Wind and or put a Healing efficiency penalty on Mighty Guard(maybe potency reduction on the aoe part only, so it can be used for self healing but not group healing). White Wind is too potent of a skill on a DPS class in its current state, and is absurd for threat building with Mighty Guard, although due to the lack of tanking tools, that wouldn't be an issue on actual challenging content
- Buff fucking everything. The class is just not good enough atm so if it was to be a normal job, it'd need a ton of buffs. More potency on shit, less reliance on primal skills for damage, add some combo system, even as a trait for BLU(Every skill you use grants a small bonus of damage to every other element for 15secs, stackable, so you're incited to use various skills in a row instead of spamming just one for example, simple and easy system). Probably also limit Mighty Guard and possibly White Wind to PF/solo, you don't want a fucker using these in a tank/heal/2DPS queue, it's way way worse than using Titan-egi on SMN which is already pretty bad.
But honestly, in the state of things, the class is hardly gamebreaking and these changes would be minor enough. They just need to make instadeath immunity tag on mobs default to on, otherwie they'll forget some savage boss down the line and the world first will be a BLU tailscrewing it for 999.999.999 on pull and leading to a 1sec time, tweak White Wind/Mighty Guard which only serve a purpose for BLU groups but not so much in normal parties and would create imbalances, and then tweak damage numbers up. Since the potency are similar on all skills tbh it wouldn't be too hard to model.