Masturbate inWell that's dumb. Now what do I do with the rest of my Sunday??
Someone said the exp bonus servers could level purely off the MSQ. I'm only playing this til POE league on March 8th so might as well see just the main story shit.
Not too concerned for myself, just throwing it out there for anyone wanting recruiter bonuses, if it will still work. No idea what the recruiter gets.Big thing on RAF is you get an item for a 30% exp boost at level 30 or lower.
Then some minor stuff like a few pieces of gear, an emote, and 99 free aetherite tickets.
Pagos was nerfed a bunch. One of the bigger change to qol for leveling and such in there was making the aetherytes much lower lvls. They used to be 28 and 32 or something like that, so it was really fucking annoying trying to get anything in the north half of the map at low lvl since you basically had to afk between the dragons in the middle of the map and hope you didn't aggro shit on the way there because most of the high lvls wouldn't come rez you when they used the aetheryte to TP to the FATEs. So you leveled a lot slower. They also doubled light and crystals over time so that makes it much faster to complete stuff in there.Made it through Pagos in less then a week. Started Pyros this weekend. After playing EQ for years, Pagos wasnt as bad as people made it sound. Farming all these logos and mnemes seem like they're gonna be a bigger pain in the ass then Pagos light farming.
Also finally got an orange on my 2nd fight. Scored a 97 on M/F last night after I finished BiS raid gear.
You will never want to go to Horizon again.You guys weren't kidding about the length of the MSQ. It's insane how long the MSQ is after you hit 50. I grinded all day yesterday and I'm only about half way through it. I did get side tracked on the relic weapon(which I've already replaced sigh..) so that is part of my problem there. The majority of it is just TPing around and then kill 3 mobs.
Are you fucking serious? I wish I would of known that. I always wondered why there wasn't an aetheryte port there. All that running back and forward.....You people on the MSQ - if you haven't heard yet, take the boat from Limsa near the Arcanist guild (I think)? Takes you straight to the little outpost with the Waking Sands, no more running from Horizon.