Is there something specific you're looking to do with it? I found that allows enough customization in game to not bother me at all.So why is SE so against allowing custom uis?
So why is SE so against allowing custom uis?
Is there something specific you're looking to do with it? I found that allows enough customization in game to not bother me at all.
Biggest thing is just changing the look. So custom graphics, more so than functionality that I'm looking for. Like the default UI for WoW , in current WoW, has a lot of functionality, but I think ElvUI looks WAY better. I don't use ElvUI for anything special other than how it looks.Wouldn't be doable on consoles (if you're talking about addons) and so it would put console players at a severe disadvantage compared to the PC players. The only major lacking thing for me is the lack of any sort of tellmewhen/powerauras when considering how many jobs rely on procs
You can already do DBM etc and it's done, via ACT. These aren't related to UI things either. Opening the UI API would let you modify the UI only, it wouldn't magically be able to read the memory or log file and let you build mods for it, that's what ACT does. WoW's API specifically allows you to get access to more than just the UI, to create mods for other stuff, but if they just turned off the hooks for all that crap, you wouldn't have these mods(or they'd have to be reworked to work by reading memory/logs instead and be clunkier than before).I'll take no UI modifications vs. them allowing us to have 3rd party UI mods, only to then inevitably have someone invent DBM/BigWigs/GTFO for raid content, and all the cancer that comes with that.
Yea, I just think aesthetically all the FF14 UI elements look like hot garbage. Lol. Wish I could change them for something else, but meh.I like that I have the option to at least move and scale pretty much any element though, can hide most of them too if you need/want too I think. I'm used to quite a few games recently I couldn't even do that much.
I get the WoW bit though, opening the UI up to 3rd parties created things I couldn't live without while playing WoW. Even when I played closed beta I remember using some mod that ended up becoming some awful bloatfest in live, default UI is awful.
Theres a UIsave.dat file in each character folder, but not sure if that actually holds the UI layout, or if even interchangable.
what's hot garbage about it? I disabled most everything and have an oversized hotbar grid for cooldowns and that's about it. I like minimalist UI's and FFXIV is pretty much as clean as the cleanest wow mods I remember.Yea, I just think aesthetically all the FF14 UI elements look like hot garbage. Lol. Wish I could change them for something else, but meh.
I agree though that the base UI can be changed around quite a bit, and customized to how you like it. I guess a functionality thing would be a way to share your UI setups? I don't think that can be done?
what's hot garbage about it? I disabled most everything and have an oversized hotbar grid for cooldowns and that's about it. I like minimalist UI's and FFXIV is pretty much as clean as the cleanest wow mods I remember.
Again, my complaint isn't with the functionality other than what you mentioned. It'd be neat to have that stuff in game.Nothing is wrong with the UI it has everything you need minus a DPS tracker and/or DBM installed.
I use Cactbot for raids and that gives me my DPS and call outs but don't talk about it in game or they may get ya.
YoshiP has been pro DPS meter for a while it's someone else in square that has been stopping them from being added to prevent "toxicity"
If they want to prevent toxicity just prevent it from working on roulettes and only have it turn on during savage or extreme content.
It's silly when I see a black mage doing less DPS than a healer but I can't do anything about it because I'm using a forbidden log reader
This is something that you super rarely do though past 50, due to how itemlevel works. I mean I've used it a few times to compare crafted gear to yellow scrip gear or whatever, but I don't think I ended up doing it for combat classes in forever. Every item is super generic and the ilvl formula is constant so 2 items at the same ilvl have the exact same stats amounts, the only thing that'd differ would be which substats are on it and which is the one with the bigger numbers and the one with the lower numbers.Not being able to compare an equipped item to an item in your bag without right click -> item comparison is pretty dumb.