You don't really need to do ARR hunts though, unless going for achievements like S rank hunt ones. And you do get movespeed 1star already from quests, so it's not as much of an improvement as it used to be back in HW before they added that. And honestly ARR hunts are kinda whatever too, only the S ranks get called out most of the time since everyone can solo the A ranks in 30secs or less, and the S ranks don't really drop relevant stuff, just more allied seals to buy like, ventures or whatever. You can get a steady supply of allied seals doing weeklies on BLU too, in fact you can get enough allied seals to buy all the maps from clearing the carnival the first time on BLU, which only requires one endgame skill to clear one floor(Diamondback).
Shit's mostly useless and I definitely wouldn't recommend bothering with allied seals until you're bored with all the more relevant stuff.
Hunts will be relevant again at ShB launch though, but still mostly non ARR hunts, since you'll want centurio to buy the new tome upgrade mats shit, assuming they keep centurios for this new tier of hunts.