<Silver Donator>
Bots don't bother gathering unspoiled shit that spawns once every 20mins though I don't think. As noted above this might also be only for Diadem nodes? Anyway bots don't really control the prices on these, people "failling" aetherial reduction while aiming for sands get thousands of clusters they don't need. Only the most active crafters even need a lot of clusters, the recipes use a few of them only and only the high tier recipes do. They MIGHT have done it if they're switching the main crystals to clusters, phasing out the current crystals like shards were phased out in SB and adding a new tier, so bot don't go for them though. If they do, that's gonna suck I only have about 5k clusters I maybe should have planned ahead more. It's also gonna take a while to resell 20k crystals if they're not used anymore other than leveling.This is 100% to combat bots being able to direct gather clusters and influencing prices. Also likely confirms almost everything will be clusters at 80 but as long as the amounts aren't as bad as crystals at 70 then aetherial reduction and desynthesis will more than cover the need.