I started brand new on FFXIV on the PS4 Pro myself a month or so ago, so here's what I have found as a newbie on PS4 FFXIV.
- Get a USB mouse and keyboard for your PS4. Use your controller to play the game, but trust me when I say that having a mouse for mucking with your UI and keyboard for chatting with your FC/Party members is a 100% plus to your overall enjoyment of the game.
- If you are using the controller to play the game, you are going to be using cross hotbars because that's just how it works. You will run out of crosshot bar buttons quickly UNTIL you realize you have 8 of them. Go in to character configuration (yeah I know that it sounds like an odd place to put it, but that's where they put it), and find the crosshotbar configuration area.
- Set crosshotbars 5 through 8 to SHARED. Do this before you start putting anything on these crosshotbars, or when you change them to shared, everything you put in them will disappear.
- Turn on the extended crosshotbars (think that's the name). Thatt adds 4 hotbuttons on the left and right of your main crosshotbar. You double pump the left or right trigger buttons to activate these . I put things like summoning mount, eating, etc in these areas. You will also set these extra slots to a particular crosshotbar that it pulls the hotbuttons from because you do NOT directly put abilities/macros on them. Set these extended crosshotbars to crosshotbar number 5. Remember that we set 5 to shared. So, you go to crosshotbar 5, put your abilities/macros on these buttons, and they will show up in those extended crosshotbar buttons for you to use.
- Next turn on your double trigger crosshotbars. I don't remember what they are called, but you will see it in the crosshotbar configuration area of character configuration. It's the ones that show up when you hold down left trigger then right trigger OR right trigger then left trigger. In essence, this gives you 16 more crosshotbar buttons. 8 for left-right and 8 for right-left. Again, these will be set to specific crosshotbars that it is refernecing when you hold down the left/right trigger or right/left trigger.
- Typically, I use the left/right trigger combination for cross-class/job abilities like teleport, return, sprint, etc. These are abilities that I want to set once, and not have to setup on every single class/job I play. So, use something like crosshotbar 7 for these since that is a shared crosshotbar (as we configured earlier).
- Then for the right/left trigger combination, I use these 8 extra hotbuttons for class/job specific abilities/macros. So, set it to a non-shared chrosshotbar like number 2. Put in class/job specific abilities/macros that you don't use all the time, but use on occassion.
- Since you have to pretty much hold down a trigger on your controller to do just about anything in the game, you want to make sure to put your most used (in combat) abilities/macros on the crosshotbar buttons associated with your a,b,x,y buttons. It's much easier to hold down your left trigger or right trigger and press a,b,x,y than it is to hold down the left trigger and one of the crossbar buttons (up, down, left, right) at least to me. I reserve the crossbar buttons for things I rarely use in combat because I find it a pain in the ass to take my thumb off the left joystick to press one of the crossbar buttons which results in my character coming to a complete stop while I activate a button. Do what makes your life easier, but I find keeping as little on the crosshotbar buttons as possible, so I can continue moving my character around with the left joystick as much as possible. Staying out of the bad shit is a constant struggle lol.
That's about it. I was a die hard keyboard and mouse player with over 17 years in EQ and WoW, so making the switch to playing a MMORPG with a controller was rough at first, but it has grown on me fast. I love it now, and I wonder if I could ever go back to not using a controller now.
Also, I have to say that playing a MMORPG on my PS4 Pro is fucking amazing. I LOVE not having to deal with Window's bloatware ass booting up slowly, running updates in the background that just happen to make my harddrive run at 100% for an hour at a time, and viruses/back doors by assholes for whom were born for the sole purpose in life of making other people's lives miserable. I just turn on my PS4 Pro, click the button on FFXIV, and I am in the game playing in less than 2 minutes tops.
The best part of all is the fact that everything money-wise goes through my playstation account, so I don't have to give my credit card information to some sleezy ass company like Daybreak Games. I just really have a hard time believing that I would EVER want to go back to the old way of playing a MMORPG.
Welcome to FFXIV.