Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


EQOA Refugee
I can't log into Malboro or Gilgamesh. Get the 3102 error that I'm already logged in and to wait a few minutes. Meanwhile 3 hours later...


Except you're not helping your group. You're hurting your group by taking a useless action that could be used for damage instead. The point of crowd control is to help the healer. The healer requires zero help in any of the instances we've seen so far.Healing is so lax that you can spend 80%+ of the time DPSing in a main heal role. And this is without considering the fact that you generally want to aoe on packs that are 3 or greater anyways. Going to be difficult to do that if you're playing badly and CCing stuff that has zero need of being CC'ed.

Have tanked (GLD) and healed (CNJ) the instances. I did not, at any point in time, have the ability to do more than marginal amounts of DPS when healing, nor was there ever a point on my GLD that I was taken so little damage that I didn't need to be healed, except for the one run where we did have someone sleeping. It's not like my gladiator was poorly geared, either - by the time I did the mines I had multiple pieces of dungeon loot as well. As noted a few pages back, the tanks I healed were marauders, so having played both sides of the spectrum, I really don't see how the figure of 80% of the time DPSing could be accurate.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It is an exaggeration, like most claims when people heal/dps in groups. Tanks see things a bit more clearly, imo. At least, the good ones do.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Pretty sure you don't understand math or the game mechanics. If the monster is going to live for more than 6 seconds after the spell hits it, Thunder and Aero do vastly superior damage to Ruin. It's not even close.

For reference:

Ruin Potency = 80.

Thunder Potency with 2 ticks = 100. Full duration = 240.

Aero Potency with 2 ticks = 100. Full duration = 175.



Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah, tanks take plenty of damage, also with the super long GCD and retards abounding in duty finder groups, holding aggro can be a bitch too. If a mob can be CC'ed and I can pull away far enough that Emmma Watson the archer won't shoot it, that's a huge plus for managing to keep the other two mobs off of the other idiot in the group.


EQOA Refugee
Most of my duty finder tanks can't hold aoe aggro for shit. I literally peel every mob other than the one he isn't fighting after one heal.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If it is a marauder, he simply isn't using the basic "cone" attack like he should. Hell, it -adds- hate just by using it. Focusing mobs down is so 2001


<Silver Donator>
DPS while healing is like, you can cast one/two spell on pull, then you need to heal the tank some then once there's only one mob up, or two depending on the mob type, you can go back to DPSing. But when there's 3 mobs on the tank, or these big fuckers in the mines, you really can't afford to not heal unless the tank is popping defensive cds.

Also from what I've seen, it's a lot easier to DPS and heal when the tank is a MRD, the insanely bigger health pool gives you more time to switch to healing after the GCD than GLD shitty health pool. Also Bloodrain or whatever can be popped every other pack or so and will sustain the MRD on its own if he's spamming aoes.

Once you have Fire 2 and Blizzard 2 though you probably just want to aoe everything and tank(if your tank sucks) and let the healer spam heals on you, rather than sleep. At least when not fighting the giant mobs. Obviously if both your healer and tank suck, you'll want to sleep shit ^^.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If it is a marauder, he simply isn't using the basic "cone" attack like he should. Hell, it -adds- hate just by using it. Focusing mobs down is so 2001
The cone attack that if you spam it runs you completely out of TP after about 10 uses?

Does extra threat, but it hits like a wet noodle. And they still have to be attacking your autoattack target while you do it. It's not like there's some magical button you're hitting while you're healing or tanking that nobody else is using, fuckin like 6 skills in this bitch by the time you max out, of which maybe 4 are attacks or heals.


Most of my duty finder tanks can't hold aoe aggro for shit. I literally peel every mob other than the one he isn't fighting after one heal.
It's pretty annoying, as a gladiator at least.

For AoE stuff I found that I could hold aggro on an infinite number of things for forever with flash (AOE +enmity) -> fast blade -> riot blade (mp regen combo bonus) ->fast blade -> riot blade -> flash

Our ranged enmity move (shield toss) seems to be shitty too. Would throw it at adds right when they spawned, and one heal would be enough to get it to ignore me and run to the healer. Made for a lot of running around to pick shit up.


Also have been getting 3102'd for the last 3-4 hours, hope they fix this shit soon. Really wanted to hit 20 on some crafting skills tonight, was actually enjoying Botany and logging trees on my gamepad.


Trump's Staff
Things I like:

World is gorgeous and there's a high degree of polish. Animations are awesome. Runs like a dream. Controls feel great. They really nailed that Final Fantasy feeling.

Things I dislike:

I find the classes intensely bland. Lots of collect 10 Murlock scrotum quests. The UI is giving me a seizure. The telegraphs are bullshit and will hit you even if you avoid them.

Unfortunately, I won't be purchasing. The gameplay is just way too boring, and the classes have no room for personal style at all in the execution of their abilities.


I haven't been hit by a single telegraph that I dodged successfully.

Hit/dodge on them is determined by when the red circle disappears, not the actual animation.

re: quests, supposedly they get massively better after 20 and the ifrit quest, but I haven't actually done that yet.


Trump's Staff
Well maybe I just encountered a bug then. Cuz I would run way the hell out of a telegraph area LONG before it disappeared and still get nailed.

Ya, the quest thing is the least of my worries. It's the class depth thing that bothers me... They REALLY took the easy way out and gave every class super boring skills, probably for the sake of balance... Dragoon sounds lke it might be neat but I don't have the patience to level a Melee dps class in a game I only sort of like.

You guys have fun though. Glad people are finding something at least mildly tolerable.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The cone attack that if you spam it runs you completely out of TP after about 10 uses?

Does extra threat, but it hits like a wet noodle. And they still have to be attacking your autoattack target while you do it. It's not like there's some magical button you're hitting while you're healing or tanking that nobody else is using, fuckin like 6 skills in this bitch by the time you max out, of which maybe 4 are attacks or heals.
Being serious, if he is using it 10x in a group, they aren't killing shit nearly fast enough. Like their DPS is completely afk type of issue.

Seriously, I hold aggro off entire fate groups just spamming the same ability and they have little to no chance to pull anything off me. It isn't rocket science haw.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It was unlocked, until they brought up the new servers. I'd expect it to be unlocked for at least 10-15 minutes as soon as the 2 new servers have reached a population higher than any of the launch day servers