

Avatar of War Slayer
Thanks for the help Sabbat. But unfortunately shortly after I asked you about ArcheAge the UI went FUBAR on me again and after another half dozen Login attempts, I said fuck it... I'm done till they fix it.


Trakanon Raider
I got kicked out for awhile as well. All good. Seems this launch isn't going well for them, shame really.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
it blows my mind how they can have a big beautiful world, then have every quest from a hub send you to 2-3 static locations. I could swear that one job board quest around level 17 sent me to Area A to kill a bunch of pirates, Area B to kill a bunch of burrowing insects, then back to A to kill a bunch of flying insects.


My biggest complaint so far is I haven't seen any grouping required anywhere. I haven't seen a need for this to be anything but a single-player game in a massive world yet. I'm sure it exists, but I'm level 26 Assault now, and I've yet to group with anyone. Seems like a lot of games, in trying to give solo players something to do when not grouped, go too far, and create a game where there really is no Multi-player in the MMO anymore.


Trakanon Raider
Do you ask for groups to do jobs, thump or run stuff like BWA? Do you invite people you see doing the same ARES mission as you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I want to give this game a try, Im level 23 now on one of the free battleframes, I enjoy the FPS combat so much more than the standard crap mmos churn out, but im having a hard time finding anything redeemable about this game outside of that. They make this beautiful world, then dont use 75% of it. Take the time to voice act all the quests, even animate the mouths so it looks like they are speaking, then churn out the worst questing Ive seen in a mmo....and i played wildstar. Im not sure im going to make it to 40.


Trakanon Raider
I'm taking my Tigerclaw to 40 (22 now) for the perk, then I'll move onto Recluse. I'll try catch up with you in game Byr. I think Coral Forest and the Shanty Town area has been the worst for the leveling experience, Sertao wasn't all that awesome either. Devil's Tusk on the other hand was 10 kinds of awesome for some reason. I think it's the 24 levels of the same critters and same environments that make Coral Forest just not that entertaining. The instance missions have been awesome, and get better each one you progress through.

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
A big part of the problems with leveling, motivation and the world seeming empty is a bugged world encounter system. Right now there are no chosen incursions, city invasions, and almost no outpost sieges by the chosen in new eden. Similar problem in sertao, though they do have the comm tower event. It's been mentioned by the devs that they are aware of it, but no ETA on a fix. I started playing in closed beta and when everything is firing on all cylinders it is a blast. Battles raging all over the place, random events, cities attacked and a quarter of the map almost always red because the chosen were attacking something. I'm really hoping they get this stuff fixed asap because the base game has so much potential and is really satisfying.


<Silver Donator>
What level can I get out of the first zone? I've been in the alpha/beta/whatever for 3 fucking years and it's only been one zone. I've literally never left the copa area.

It's funny, the way I played I only thumped the absolutely best spots with 900+ quality materials. So when things changed my characters were level 12, but every single one of my items got converted to max level items.

I'd play with you guys more (I'm Nijasan in case you havent figured that out) but I havent felt the urge to reboot into bootcamp and fire it up.

I'm level 19.75 or something, hopefully I'm close to finally leaving this fucking zone. I also have my Recluse frame (and bastion) so I think my early calculations were correct in picking the two most overpowered classes.


I want to give this game a try, Im level 23 now on one of the free battleframes, I enjoy the FPS combat so much more than the standard crap mmos churn out, but im having a hard time finding anything redeemable about this game outside of that. They make this beautiful world, then dont use 75% of it. Take the time to voice act all the quests, even animate the mouths so it looks like they are speaking, then churn out the worst questing Ive seen in a mmo....and i played wildstar. Im not sure im going to make it to 40.
Not really sure what you're looking for in questing. They've been pretty much the same as any other MMO. Go here, kill things, return.. Go there, get things, kill a few things, return.. etc.

24 Assault
13 Recon
6 Arsenal
5 Nighthawk


Lord Nagafen Raider
The quality of quest is on par with other games. However I'd like to see some better rewards for completing quest chains as there really isn't much reason to choose one quest over another. Also, because you can only do one quest at a time and not grab like 10 from a hub you do a lot more traveling than other games. The orbital command tower event is pretty fun and requires about a dozen players to complete.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not really sure what you're looking for in questing. They've been pretty much the same as any other MMO. Go here, kill things, return.. Go there, get things, kill a few things, return.. etc.

24 Assault
13 Recon
6 Arsenal
5 Nighthawk
Except in this game because it's 1 quest at a time, you spend about 80% of your time traveling between the locations. Plus every quest I did from 1-13 was basically the exact same thing. Walk to quest giver because for some reason just going to the fucking job board isn't good enough, walk to waypoint A, kill some shit, walk to waypoint B, kill some shit, walk to waypoint C, kill some shit, walk back to the quest giver. It's like an entire game made out of the most generic sidequest design possible.

The combat and "FPS" mechanics were just terrible too, especially after having played Destiny last week.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ya, firefall is a new low of mmo questing in my opinion too. Theres no variety at all, not even in locations you get sent to complete them. Its as if the developers had a very limited amount of time to add them and threw together the best they could in a very small amount of time. Oh wait ....
Personally i think the FPS part is allrite, i wouldnt mind the cheese missions which are some of the worst dialogue i can remember from recent times, its the fact that it was sandboxy and they changed it... apparently before you could roam all over the map and get xp that way. Now youre stuck in that tiny level locked zone and then have to move to the next tiny level locked zone. The content when you stick to your level is faceroll easy.