Well Druid is fun. In fact, Bear tanking is the best it has ever been (in terms of fun), and will probably dominate as per usual at high gear scores. I also think Druid healing is my favorite healing, but I haven't fucked around with any of the other healing specs in 7.0. I'm sure Shaman is faceroll easy + fun (spam chain heal), but I hear good things about Priests. I don't know. It's always hard to get rid of my Warlock because he has the most stuff of any character. Full skills, tons of reps, everything blah blah blah. Plus Warlocks are always the tits to play. However, I got to say they really gutted the class this xpac (a lot of survivability and mobility), but really tuned the rotations. It's a hard call. Plus if I go Druid, with the new gear system I can easily switch between specs and do whatever the fuck I want. With warlock it's just DPS. Although more optimized DPS for each fight. Druid can also optimize to a certain degree because they have 2 DPS specs.
Fuck me I get like this every XPAC.
Well it'll def be either Druid or Warlock.