sitting in Orgrimmar at the invasion vendor and turning in to a demon and kill all the afk is fun.
You can access all your abilities in form. Watching him play mage was cringe worthy.
I've never been a big transmog guy so that's probably why. If that's all there is to invasions I'll just gear up the DH to 700 but leave the other chars alone
Switched and tried ElvUI out today. I do like it quite a bit, and the customization is pretty good. I really like the grid they give you when you unlock anchors. Get that shit moved around exact! What ElvUI immediately taught me was that I was giving far too much screen real estate to my chat window. Not sure why I ever made that thing so big, but I had that thing stretched out huuugggeee. Didn't want to miss that quality trade chat I guess...Elvui has a control for it if you 'toggle anchors'
Whichever one you're not going to quit 2 weeks after expansion drops because you're bored! YaaaaIs there any specific class the guild needs?