Fuck yeah, Cybsled was on my server, Cazic Thule!
I remember starting out and thinking that all the high end guilds were so fucking cool and one day I was gonna be like them!
Then it turned out they were nothing but a bunch of dudes cybering each other for loot.
Pfft, I didn't cyber anyone for loot. That was The Relentless. Thornsong gave my grey suede boots from VP to a wood elf druid who was cybering for loots. She wanted them "for the AC", even though they were BiS for monks ;/
I'll post some more screens
Screen after we killed Vent. Sleeper woke up about 10 minutes after she died, give or take. I got the only sleeper monk robe on the server when I had to roll vs. a monk in The Relentless for it
Ancient pic...before I was uber lol
Sleeper got all the way to Skyshrine, then bugged out after killing Yeli. Pretty sure Sleeper wiped a guild that was trying to clear the zone lol
Before we woke the sleeper...with a fun time stamp! I remember it took a virtual act of god to get enough people to attempt a sleeper awakening. DAoC has stolen a lot of people from the various guilds at the time. Brotherhood of the Spider (Drow) had hooked us up with the ranged/arrow strat for killing the final dragon. A good chunk of us who played WoW later actually merged with Drow in that game, although majority of the old EQ folks didn't play past a few months in vanilla.
GM event. Some low level pally got the artifact at the end of all of it.
Replay after he won Pally BotB. He had one of the most unique player titles in the game as a result, as he got Commander from the Lanys vs. Firona Vie event (that is also where I got my Sgt. title), then he got the "of Qeynos" for winning BotB.
People buffing after a CR before 1st Nag kill on server. The entire zone had crashed, repopped, and people were getting murdered by all the respawned fire giants (mages/wizards who had bound in the hall way lost some levels in some cases). The server had to band together to save the raiders, pushed by the GM, who made it very clear they wanted a Nag kill on the server lol. The GMs were very competitive with their servers