First high school reunion coming up


I got a message on Facebook from some people who used to be in the "popular" crowd back in high school about a reunion. My immediate reaction consisted of slight sadness yet indifference for a few reasons

1. Facebook exists now. Anyone I cared to keep up with is my friend and I can see exactly what they're doing because most of them post with some frequency.
2. I grew up in Florida and I have a job 3000 miles away now. I have 3 weeks of vacation a year, and I'm in a long distance relationship. Time off is pretty precious. And,Florida.
3. No humble pie here, but I am probably a lot more well off than 95% of them. I've tried to reconnect with a few of my old friends who stuck around, and it was really awkward because work has made me hang out with mostly professionals with fancy pieces of paper. I don't have kids, a beer gut, or a crappy service job. I'm afraid that going back would serve mostly to stroke my ego and reinforce how different I've become from my former peers, which is an uncomfortable thought.

What's the consensus here? Are they valuable experiences or mostly redundant in modern times?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Don't sweat it. If you don't want to go, then don't bother.

I haven't gone to any of mine, because in the great scheme of things, I grew up and left those people behind. The time I spent in high school was less than the time I've spent in my profession and made friends there.

You don't need to find reasons to not go, just don't go if you don't feel like it.


God is dead
Don't sweat it. If you don't want to go, then don't bother.

I haven't gone to any of mine, because in the great scheme of things, I grew up and left those people behind. The time I spent in high school was less than the time I've spent in my profession and made friends there.

You don't need to find reasons to not go, just don't go if you don't feel like it.
This is why I wish I hadn't missed my last one.

Pretty sure I'm one of the few people in my graduating class pulling 150+ (I went to a Vocational School)

Then again I am a terrible person who needs his ego stroked regularly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I didn't go to mine. I don't really understand the appeal. I spent 4 years with these people. I've left jobs that I've spent longer than 4 years at, and I could give a shit about any of them.


Bronze Squire
I missed my 10th, 20th, and 25th reunions, so all of them so far. 30th is next year, and I've considered it. Yep, feeling pretty old right now, fuck you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We don't even have that here. Also, 3 weeks vacation? That would bum me out. No way I'd waste a single day out of my 30 seeing people I don't care about.


Musty Nester
Most of us are in the generation where High School Reunions stopped making sense. I can only remember the names of 2 dudes that I went to high school with. And one of them I remember because he's dead.

If I see John... i'm flipping my shit. Completely losing my fucking mind.


OK, the opinions expressed here is what I figured. My parents went to all of their reunions even though there was a bit of travel involved, so I figured there would be a large "go to reunions" bloc out there.

Florida and Atlanta aren't 3,000 miles apart.
Atlanta was where I went to grad school. I live on the west coast now.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
My first one is also coming up. Looking at the pictures of my classmates, I don't feel like going. I've been out of high school twice as long as I've been in.


If you have 'moved' on from your home town, chances are, you have kept in touch with any of the people who you cared to from Highschool. Reunions are pointless with the internet now, unless you never managed to escape the high school mentality.


Wtf is this.

If you feel like going, go. I'd you don't, don't go. Why does it require advice?

Hey guys should I eat a burger or ham sandwich for lunch?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I didn't go to any and they are having the 25 year this year. Since high school ended I haven't talked to anyone I went to school with or kept up with any of them either. I ony know one of them is still alive because his brother works with me.

I just never saw the appeal of reunions. I figured if I wanted to be in touch with them and cared I would have with or without a reunion.


Bronze Squire
Same for me, Borzak. I've got two high school friends and one from college. We all get together once a year for a fishing/bullshitting trip. That's my reunion, and it's pretty neat that we've been able to keep it going through these many years. It's been tough at times since we all have lived all over the country, but totally worth it.


Trakanon Raider
I'm still friends with a few dozen people from high school, and often bump in to others just around town. A reunion would probably be fun, but as far as I know there wasn't one for 10 years. Or maybe I wasn't invited. But yeah, I don't get why this is a thread. If you think it's something worthwhile to go to given the circumstances, do it. If not, fuck it. There's no moral obligation for you to go. On the other hand, you never know, you might really genuinely enjoy seeing people you haven't in a long time and reminiscing. Regardless of the length of high school, it is during some pretty important formative years in your life.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
It is a good chance to follow up with that hot cheerleader you were too nerdy to get with back then. Now that you make bank and she's been knocked up and divorced you have your chance! I think I saw a movie where that happened, seemed reasonable.

I'm surprised to read how few people actually kept in touch with high school friends. Even now I still communicate with probably a dozen and see half that regularly throughout the year. I guess it was a bad assumption on my part that everyone made good friends during those years (and probably 5 of those go back to elementary school).

I had fun at my 10 year. Probably wouldn't go back, don't think we did anything for 15. As a one time follow up it does help to confirm stereotypes and suspicions about who was going to be a failure and who would be successful. If you feel like you need that type of validation (or schadenfreude). I think there were around 600 in my graduating class and attendance was probably less than 100.


Still a Music Elitist
Like some others, I also keep in contact with very few people from high school. I'm sure this is a more recent development with more people leaving the areas in which they were raised. I had to start my entire friend network over when I moved to CA, but I'm still close with a lot of people from college. We now live all over the country, in mostly great spots, so it's great to visit each other or meetup in Vegas or something for a weekend.

I'm not FB friends with a lot of people from high school so the idea of a high school reunion is intriguing. My 10 year will be next year, but unless it's around Thanksgiving or Reds opening day I will not be attending. It's not worth the vacation time or the money.


I am close with a few friends from high school but I had no intention of going to my reunion. It was over the thanksgiving holiday and I ending up actually seeing a bunch of people from the reunion because they went to a popular bar in my home town that I was hanging with other friends at the time. It was amazing how many of the girls were fat.


Trakanon Raider
I am close with a few friends from high school but I had no intention of going to my reunion. It was over the thanksgiving holiday and I ending up actually seeing a bunch of people from the reunion because they went to a popular bar in my home town that I was hanging with other friends at the time. It was amazing how many of the girls were fat.
I'd imagine the same goes for dudes and baldness! What I think is the funniest is how most of the chicks that were the super popular, really hot types end up looking fucking terrible by the time they're in their mid-20's.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am close with a few friends from high school but I had no intention of going to my reunion. It was over the thanksgiving holiday and I ending up actually seeing a bunch of people from the reunion because they went to a popular bar in my home town that I was hanging with other friends at the time. It was amazing how many of the girls were fat.
I've not gone to my own reunion but just keeping up with the girls via Facebook has amazed me how much weight nearly all of them put on. Some of the hottest girls and/or athletic ones in high school now look like whales. Still I put on weight myself so I can't talk. Not as much as these girls but I'm 210 and 5'7 when I used to be a stringy 150 in highschool.