I wonder how long until this stuff creeps up, realizes he's propping up liars and statutory rapists, and deletes his account?
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of course you would be, and nobody leaves you out. if it wasnt for the Aussies we wouldnt even have any moon footage. some dumbfuck at NASA here tossed it all in the garbage.Australian film. The Dish
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About how a few guys manning a big radio telescope in a small town, pointed it at the moon so that the world could watch the landing on live TV. We know what our role was, we get it and are okay with that.
That's the film, that's what it's about . . . and it's a damn good film.
Tweets are from nearly a year ago, but as always, what goes on the internet, stays on the internet.
"That's not the Neil Armstrong I knew". - Chuck Yeager
Hmm, wonder who I believe?
How is it porn is the only movie industry that doesn't let politics and ideology fuck up a good revenue stream?
but leaving off the results is a swift kick in the red, white, and blue balls.
i dont understand why even make a movie about the US going to the moon if you dont want to focus on the US making it to the moon. like who is their audience? the left hates america and thinks space travel is pointless. the right loves america and thinks space travel and the moon landing is awesome. so basically this choad made a movie nobody wants to see.
It is a film of deluded, cultish longing for an earlier era of American life, one defined not by conservative politics but, rather, by a narrow and regressive emotional perspective that shapes and distorts the substance of the film.