First World Problems


<Gold Donor>
Really hard to find torrent sites to download porn. Everything is being taken down
I used to belong to Cheggit, which I understand was sort of born out of the demise of Empornium. Now Cheggit is gone, and apparently somewhere in there Empornium came back, and is the premiere porn site again. And I can't get in because I didn't know it existed until too late.


<Gold Donor>
In my entire life, prior to moving here I lost power 10-15 times maybe and it was always for just a few hours maybe a day at most. I have lost power at this house 5 times for days each time in little over a year. These Fucking wind storms! Fuck you Global Warming!

I broke down and called Verizon and upped my plan to 6 gigs just do I can watch a few movies this weekend. When I need to charge my phone and tablet I go sit in the car with kids and watch Inside Out for the billiionth time.

These are very 1st world issues. Uncle Gravy please accept my apology for being a whiny bitch I know things could always be worse.
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Molten Core Raider
That's crazy, if wind storms knock out power that often, it's time for the city to start burying the lines and not have them above ground.

I've only ever been without power for more than a couple hours once in my life. Basically our entire state had an ice storm of the century back in the early 2000s, and it torn down every electrical line in the entire state. Was without power about 4 days, but some people were without power for upwards of 2 weeks. Shit was crazy, but I've never seen anything like it before or since(thankfully)

There was so much freezing rain that the ice piled up thick enough that it completely filled in the parking lot of my apartment complex at the time. The paved parking lot has a 6" high or whatever curb around the edge of it, and the ice filled it like a swimming pool up to the top...the whole parking lot was a silky smooth ice skating rink, as thick as the edging/curb was deep.


Trump's Staff
That storm in Washington was huge, it knocked out ~quarter million homes for power and killed about 10 people.


<Gold Donor>
So day 3 with no power, was 18 degrees when I woke this morning. Burning through a ton of wood to keep the house warm and not getting much sleep either from tending the fire all night. Also, the third day of no school for the kids and the wife has taken "Weather Days." We are trying to make the best of it and do some fun family stuff, board games, Netflix etc. I wish I could be more productive with all this down time, but obviously not having power makes that tough.

On the bright side the wife thinks me being mister lumberjack, chopping wood, tending the fire, protecting the family from the cold is sexy. Got some action 3 nights straight in front of the fireplace after the kids were tucked in. It's like I am meeting her basic primal needs with warmth for her and the kids and she is meeting cavemen must have gotten laid all the time.
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Clear eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.
Rant about Subway, why do they assume you want your sub fucking toasted every stinking time???? No I do not want my sub toasted, it already makes your crappy ass bread even MORE chewy and stale.....

First world problems...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Rant about Subway, why do they assume you want your sub fucking toasted every stinking time???? No I do not want my sub toasted, it already makes your crappy ass bread even MORE chewy and stale.....

First world problems...
Stop eating at Subway?


Rant about Subway, why do they assume you want your sub fucking toasted every stinking time???? No I do not want my sub toasted, it already makes your crappy ass bread even MORE chewy and stale.....

First world problems...
They always ask me first. Maybe Canadian Subway is more considerate?


<Bronze Donator>
Scrolling the PGT and occasionally seeing girl's with farm fresh, damn near virginal meat curtains. Don't get me wrong, IRL I prefer vag that hasn't seen so many miles of dick that it's all just flopping around down there like some poorly constructed roast beef sandwich, but these are all whores/hookers/porn stars having their pictures taken with double headed dildo's up their ass. Clearly they must of seen a bit of dick in their time. The "Hodj has Thread has Sheen has AIDS" thread has me questioning whether or not these may perhaps be factory engineered surgically implemented meat curtains made up of what used to be cock skin.

The hands man. Show me the hands. When the mood strikes me to go old school, how do you expect me to fap to jpegs without including shots of the hands?


<Gold Donor>
Captain's Log: Day 4

16 degrees to start the morning. Burning through a ton of wood, but the house is warm. On one hand I am ready for this to be over with...on the hand the wife was a champ again last night.

Biggest complaint I have right now is, I don't know what happened with Moonbat and Hodge. Browsing the forums on a phone only makes you miss some shit. Can someone please link me the deathblow that slayed Hodge the Post Breathing Dragon?


Trakanon Raider
That's crazy, if wind storms knock out power that often, it's time for the city to start burying the lines and not have them above ground.

I've only ever been without power for more than a couple hours once in my life. Basically our entire state had an ice storm of the century back in the early 2000s, and it torn down every electrical line in the entire state. Was without power about 4 days, but some people were without power for upwards of 2 weeks. Shit was crazy, but I've never seen anything like it before or since(thankfully)

There was so much freezing rain that the ice piled up thick enough that it completely filled in the parking lot of my apartment complex at the time. The paved parking lot has a 6" high or whatever curb around the edge of it, and the ice filled it like a swimming pool up to the top...the whole parking lot was a silky smooth ice skating rink, as thick as the edging/curb was deep.
2007. We didn't have power for 2 weeks. I remember because it happened during my first two weeks of nursing school. It was horrible lol. Also missed the first week of playing Burning Crusade because of it.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Scrolling the PGT and occasionally seeing girl's with farm fresh, damn near virginal meat curtains. Don't get me wrong, IRL I prefer vag that hasn't seen so many miles of dick that it's all just flopping around down there like some poorly constructed roast beef sandwich, but these are all whores/hookers/porn stars having their pictures taken with double headed dildo's up their ass. Clearly they must of seen a bit of dick in their time. The "Hodj has Thread has Sheen has AIDS" thread has me questioning whether or not these may perhaps be factory engineered surgically implemented meat curtains made up of what used to be cock skin.

The hands man. Show me the hands. When the mood strikes me to go old school, how do you expect me to fap to jpegs without including shots of the hands?
As far as I know the size of the labia has nothing to do with the quantity of dick accepted.


<Bronze Donator>
well technically i guess you could say it reflects the quantity, frequency, and girth of dick accepted. I mean I didn't attend pussy college and study the physiology of labia after extended repeated use or anything, i'm just making observations. did you not fuck in high school? Most girls start out farm fresh, except that one who's daddy touched her young and not knowing how to cope ends up fucking the entire football team in a row on the regular and her shit all fucked up. You ever been in some real tight puss and get some pink sock action? every stroke a bit of her pussy walls coming out with yo dick.

I mean there's a reason why porn stars get surgery to remove their excess (labia trimming lol) after so many miles. nobody starts out with their inner labia hanging 3 inches past their outer labia.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I ran out of Kahlua for my Black Russians. So now I have to drink my vodka on the rocks and the only food I have to drunk snack on is left-over prime rib. FML
Apple stopped unlicensed chargers from working, so now I can't recharge either of our Ipads. I now have to turn the laptop on when the kids want to watch something, until I get off my arse and buy a proper Apple charger. Fuck you Apple.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Highs in the 40s today.
Might have to consider pants instead of shorts.
Fuck you nature.