She's having a good chuckle at some swamp trailer video game nerd who brags about owning ferraris, tiffany lamps, rolexes and fine art, but has to ask about the price of wood at Home Depot to fix his house door thats falling apart
Don't mimd Miguel, he's part of the house staff. He's only been a citizen for about 2 years now. Speaks great english but very little job skills. So being the kind philanthropist I am I hired him as a groundskeeper/handyman and told him to use the forum for help.She's having a good chuckle at some swamp trailer video game nerd who brags about owning ferraris, tiffany lamps, rolexes and fine art, but has to ask about the price of wood at Home Depot to fix his house door thats falling apart
Don't mimd Miguel, he's part of the house staff. He's only been a citizen for about 2 years now. Speaks great english but very little job skills. So being the kind philanthropist I am I hired him as a groundskeeper/handyman and told him to use the forum for help.
Don't be a hater. Miguel is a good dude.
Uhh you've never seen my house homeboy. It's one of my houses lol.Thats interesting. How does that explain your house looking like a run down trailer home?
And miguel did a great job replacing them.
Because it is "his house." That's the guest house I rent to him on my 30 acre estate.Lifestyle of the rich and famous
Why is "Miguel" calling it "my house"?
Is Miguel another Wakandan Wookie that lets you suck him off in exchange for a cot to sleep on?
Araysar why is russia such a ghetto shit hole? No offense, don't take it personally, just curious.
Doesn't answer my question and you made a straw man. Stop being a disingenuous russia hating cunt and answer the question.
Your what aboutisms are pathetic. Just answer my question. Why is russia a ghetto shit hole?bro, i can find a 60 minute montage of Florida Man that would put this 60 second clip of Russia to shame, you dont want to go down this route