For you $1400 and $1700 respectively bro.Foler Id be interested in a 3070 and a 3080 depending on the price.
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For you $1400 and $1700 respectively bro.Foler Id be interested in a 3070 and a 3080 depending on the price.
I don't understand bro.Foler is scalping to you what onlyfans is to female emts?
That’s a long time to wait for your ps5.4 more years
whats up, white supremacists.
im a POC now
Fuck this gay earth. Just saw fargo season 4 had come out. Some black oppressed girl telling the story about the rise of the kansas city black mafia.
Ok, skeptical. What do you know there never was a kansas city black mafia and this entire season is a disingenuous larp. Fucks sake.
It literally says in the opening that it's based off realm events in the 1950s. Fucks sake I can't watch this.
It literally says in the opening that it's based off realm events in the 1950s. Fucks sake I can't watch this.
Also i identify as nonbinary now which puts me higher on the oppression stack you disgusting inbred slav.