At least he's consistently "ripped as fuck." Though it's probably more accurate that he was ripped open by a fuck from a giant black cock.
This is a dumb question.Foler why are you trying to acquire land in states where you don't live?
Are you finally closing in on securing your first pubic mound?Piece of land I'm closing on in GA has enough space for a landing strip.
This is a dumb question.
If I see good land that isn't in a liberal shit hole then I'll buy it. Land is the only thing worth putting money into, not cars, not video games, not anything else, just land.
......Not a dumb question. If they're all over the place it's a pain in the ass to maintain. Pain in the ass to pay multiple state taxes. If they're worth enough, they have an impact on your income tax. Sure, it's nice to own land, but why all over the country? That's not smart.