I am "Foler's alt" in Foler's thread.
True story!
I was at a conference in 2005, one of those conferences where everyone is drunk. But, a scholarly conference, my friends. Be aware!
We had a mixer with an cash bar, and it shuts down around 11pm, and thestaff is closing it all up. This one guy has *all* the glassware, empty wine bottles, beer, all the stuff full and empty, piled on two carts.
Off he goes, pushing one cart and pulling the other. Moving slowly toward a door at the rear of the hall.
I say to the remaining group at our table, "I'm gonna go help that guy."
"Please don't," says everyone. Says the Universe.
So I get up and go, and he is rounding a corner toward the side door, a swinging door that is closed. As he rounds the corner -- swear to God -- the two carts stacked tall with glassware and empty wine bottles and full beer bottles start to tilt over. The carts both crash to the ground. That's a few months pay. I get up to the guy and say, jeez do you need some help? "No, this was bond to happen."
I turn to go back to the table and no one had been watching me, they were talking, when they suddenly heard the "CRASH."
"What the hell did you just do?" my SO at the time yelled at me across the empty ballroom. Everyone was wincing at me.
NO ONE believed I didn't cause the crash.