Better luck next year, LOSER!
- 4
Foler how could you manage to lose the Asshat award, AGAIN? Are you ever going to win anything? I bet you couldn't even win a participation trophy in a contest where you rigged the vote. It was your best chance to ditch that Black Log title there, and you blew it harder than your last African guest. If I didn't know any better I'd say you like Black Log better than Asshat... but that couldn't be true, could it?
Better luck next year, LOSER!
If I don’t win asshat I’m leaving this forum.
thing is I won’t lose asshat.
If I don’t win asshat I’m leaving this forum.
thing is I won’t lose asshat.
Lmao I can’t believe you fell for that FAKE OUT! Freakin stuntin on you dirk!
Lmao I can’t believe you fell for that FAKE OUT! Freakin stuntin on you dirk!
Lmao bro my reverse psychology is so good it’s left permanent damage on youNo. You're disappointed you didn't win. It's quite obvious. Not even good enough to be crowned asshat.
Thanks bro. I’ll just use reverse psychological to WIN again by making you all not vote for meFolders better luck next year.
Reading this thread is like biting tinfoil
I voted for you bruh. LmaoLmao can’t believe you all fell for this especiallyAraysar lmao
Reading this thread is like biting tinfoil