Thing is, that's a really good market for someone like me. I can help these folks LARP being enlightened all goddam day if they are paying or buying. Some of it I believe, some of it is about as idiotic as it gets. And I won't ever tell them which is which for me. I'll just watch which is which for them.
And get either bored, irritated, or happy. Which I will keep to myself, and usually act as if I am always just happy.
My take is, things are kinda always a clownshow, one way or the other. Each country, the best of them ... clownshows available on demand!
I think one reason I don;t fit in here is, I don't really think this is unusual. The evolutionary task is to develop solid enough internal mechanisms of both mind (ideas and habits) and body (respect for it) to be able to surf the apocalypse at any given moment.
Hang loose.