Former coworker contacted me, think I might be getting scammed.


I don't know what's worse... that you actually weren't sure if you should give her money OR if you actually believe she got raped and is pregnant with a rape-baby...
Oh I was never giving her any money I guess that part got mistranslated, Scam or No Scam she wasn't getting a cent from me. I do feel sorry for her if she actually got raped but if you have to ask old coworkers for money then you probably burnt all your other bridges. Last week she rented out 3 lots to go camping in knowing she had to abort this week as well.

Who ever posts the funniest response to her I'll text it to her and screenshot the response.


Buzzfeed Editor
So I used to work with this girl like 11 years ago, and I havent seen her in like 8. She was always an idiot, never had money and could not hold down a job, She is your typical drama magnet on facebook as well always complaining about being broke or then next week talking about buying concert tickets and shit. She's been a mooch for as long as I known her and that's why i stopped talking to her. This rape thing came out of the blue and I'm really suspicious but at the same time feel sad for her if it's true.

She says she needs a grande before friday morning then she says she found 800 of it and only needs $200 cash. I think she's trying to play me.
Yeah, that's a feeler. She probably sent a "Hi" to every person on her phone that she hadn't seen in years and waited to see who was kind enough to respond. Those usually proceed to be stories about something terrible (And then an ask for money) or, especially if you're receptive but skeptical/hesitant they proceed to be thinly veiled feelers on whether you're cool with exchanging money for sex (IE prostitution but she only wants to do it with guys she knew well enough to put in her phone.)

Even if she really does need the abortion (Which if she's offering for you to pay the doctor directly, she might) I wouldn't believe it was rape, her friends would be more sympathetic if that was the case.

Shitty thing to say, but there is a reason she's going outside of her normal close friends/relations. It would be different even if you two were old exes or good friends. But you are probably being specifically chosen because you don't know anyone she knows but she's still comfortable enough with you to talk to you.


I just noticed he worked with her 11 years ago and last saw her 8 years ago. That's about 3 years worth of relationship unaccounted for here.
Me and a coworker tag teamed her at a halloween party, He was a banana and I was a pedophile priest, she was a vampire.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Are you fucking kidding me? You haven't seen this bitch in 8 years, and now that she needs money she comes crawling to the nearest man, one she's not seen in 8 years, to beg for $1,000?

Yeah, no. Fuck that. It's either a scam, or a bitch who doesn't deserve a penny. At best, send her a wire hanger.


The Big Mod
This thread is much better than I expected. A+, would tag team again.
if my vague memory of P99 serves me correct, this dude is a fat slob. the only thing him and his pal were tag teaming was the value money at McD's.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
A picture of a coat hanger might be the best response. But you could also ask her what's in it for you. Going rate for a BJ in that area is $20.

Also, post some pics from when she was hot.