Fortnite - Epic Games - Team Survival/Strategy/Crafting/Combat


Potato del Grande
1.3 million viewers on twitch...



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
LOL can't script it any better for Ninja, he's going to have 200k+ viewers if he keeps this up


Silver Knight of the Realm
Was there any doubt Ninja would win this pro-am?

And I think this silences anyone who claims Fortnite can't be a legit spectator e-sport. Great stuff.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
the building just makes it so interesting to watch... even if frustrating to play.

Don't think any vanilla BR will be able to compete with FN... the building aspect just adds too much


Toe Sucker
Not surprising when you can play fortnite on a TI-83 calculator at this point

It's actually pretty fun on the switch lol


Molten Core Raider
Have I missed the boat on getting the disco ball challenge done?
Seems like trying it now will just get me killed rather than people helping out


Molten Core Raider
Have I missed the boat on getting the disco ball challenge done?
Seems like trying it now will just get me killed rather than people helping out

I'm assuming you don't have a few friends to do it with? If that's the case I can either help you with my friends, or join squads and ask if they'll help you out.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Have I missed the boat on getting the disco ball challenge done?
Seems like trying it now will just get me killed rather than people helping out

Yea I think you need to squad up and ask for help now. I'd duo/squad with you if you don't mind no mic


Molten Core Raider
yeah, no friends who play so pretty much solo.
Thanks for the help! No mic is fine. not sure I have mine working yet either
name is faillee in game


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tried to avoid this game as long as possible but literally all my old mmo buddies only play this now and if I want to game with them at all I have no choice.
Hopped into br for first time last night and the graphics reminded me of a wow zone, but atleast it ran better than pubg. As an old school quake player what is my go to gun in this game if I liked the rocket launcher in quake? Also how the fuck are people building shit so fast? I hate this building shit in an fps just some extraneous bullshit I have to put up with it seems like. Atleast when you play it for the first time


Silver Knight of the Realm
Building is the primary gameplay feature in Fortnite. Gunplay is second. If you don't like building, play squads with people who do and stick to them like glue. Just be prepared to accept the fact that you'll be a huge drain on the quality of your team and will get yelled at/mocked for dying all the time.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Tried to avoid this game as long as possible but literally all my old mmo buddies only play this now and if I want to game with them at all I have no choice.
Hopped into br for first time last night and the graphics reminded me of a wow zone, but atleast it ran better than pubg. As an old school quake player what is my go to gun in this game if I liked the rocket launcher in quake? Also how the fuck are people building shit so fast? I hate this building shit in an fps just some extraneous bullshit I have to put up with it seems like. Atleast when you play it for the first time


goto gun is always shotgun off the bat, and as your skill improves you want 2 shotguns mid-game (swap between them in fights, alternate shots, quicker firing).

Shotgun is the king of close encounters, which early-mid is all about.

Late game you typically want
shotgun (Heavy > tactical > pump)
sniper(bolt, hunting rifle, or whatever you can find)
splodes(rocket launcher or grenade launcher),

Building is key and its going to take some time to learn and figure it out. I'm now 7 weeks into FN, started week 1 of Season 4 after not playing since October. I think I FINALLY hit a breakthrough with the game.

I've won 3 games in 2.5 days. I've increased my average daily KD from 0.5 in the first couple weeks to 2.5 lately. (3.44 KD in my last 10)

I'm just under 900 matches into Season 4.
Ravishingx's Fortnite Tracker Profile

The main thing is having the confidence to win a fight. It took me a long time to get muscle memory built up. It just takes a while to know you can build reliably. 1 wrong click means you trap yourself below the enemy, now you're pinched and he has high ground, etc... Gotta be able to build without fucking yourself over, and also be able to build your way out of those situations.

Speaking of fucking yourself, I'm posting this after a win which I nearly lost. Here's the final minute, +30sec of end screen.
I was in a decent spot but I knew this guy was a builder, and sometimes the best chances are being aggressive. But he had an advantage the entire time... somehow it works out though:
(I love killing guys with Twitch in their name.)



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Update stuff:

Small update, but significant:
v4.4 Content Update

Stink Bomb: Gas out opponents, deals 5 damage every 0.5 seconds, for 9 seconds.. Total damage = 90.

Stink Bomb looks to be a good tool to gas people out of buildings/structures, but also means you aren't safe hiding behind a wall/corner anymore, either. Going to be interesting for sure. Normally you can you spam-wall in front of you to block bullets/rockets, now someone can just throw a gas bomb to finish you off. Also will be a great zoning tool. Force opponents to walk around/avoid the gas.

Rocket Ammo is nerfed, can only hold 12 unloaded ammo. Rocket spam will be reduced significantly. Grenade launcher holds 6 and rocket launcher holds 1.. so now max ammo is 18/13 respectively.

I did prioritize getting a launcher for late game, but I think most pros/better players have turned to C4. But for Solos I think Rockets are still better than C4. In Duos/Squads C4 is always better. Solo players will need to make a decision now. C4 is really strong, but in Solos you want to keep safe distance especially in those Top 5 situations. You don't often want to run up to a tower to C4 it, just means you're vulnerable to the other 3 guys around you. Rockets are safer in that you can spam from distance and stay safe.

The Ammo change should shake it up a bit for sure, especially in those Top 5s. Probably a good change. I did lean on the 'splodes a bit myself, but I'm also the type of player that prefers getting into the close quarter squirmishes. 'Splodes was mainly to tear down structures. I'll try prioritizing C4 now.

And lastly, we have a countdown timer in the base:

3 days 22 hours per the pic, without confirming the current timer, I believe it calcs out to Friday 6PM EST.
I wonder how this will affect the FortNite Friday tournament.
Big map changes? New Skins? LTM?
(EDIT: Looks like this timer is data mined/not in game right now? So looks like not Friday, which would have been weird anyways.. updates are always on Tuesdays)

I love how often FN does updates/changes. So awesome. We are getting like 3 changes in 1 week:
Today we get the Stink Bomb + Rocket nerf
Thursday we get new challenges for Battle Pass
and presumably Friday we are getting whatever this countdown leads to.

Fun stuff.
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
The stink bomb is pretty awesome, happy they are adding more grenades. Really like C4 and stickies so adding this I may run with 1 gun some games.


Silver Knight of the Realm
how is this game for kids? asking because my son saw it at gamestop and asked me about it, he's all most 8 with a few problems


Silver Knight of the Realm
Considering the amount of 8 year olds I get teamed up with in Squad Fills, I'd say it's pretty prolific for kids.

It's one of those rare games that you can be terrible at, fuck around in, make no attempt to get better at, and it's still plenty fun due to the variety of emergent gameplay.

And it's free. You don't need to buy it at Gamestop. Just download and check it out.


All labs matter!
how is this game for kids? asking because my son saw it at gamestop and asked me about it, he's all most 8 with a few problems

Both of my sons, 9 and 11, play it. They enjoy it both for the pvp and pve. In pvp they struggled lots. But they watched some YouTube videos and practiced. Now they can play at a decent skill levels.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
All kids do is play Fortnite literally it is all they talk about both my 11 and 14 year old and all their mates play it, in school just fortnite talk at football just fortnite. You cannot get away from this poxy game. They all want the damn V bucks as well because of casue if you don't have the latest emote or skins then you scrub, with the world cup going on all these football emotes and skins was launched kids went made for them, £4 for an emote of your charecter doing kick ups and everyone has them, I would love to see the studios accounts. I fucking hate the game
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
hell yea, 2 wins in 5 games, also 10 kills with the last win, first double digit kill score since returning to the game, woo!

Also had a 9 kill game earlier but died to storm eventually cause Im still terrible.

6 wins in 7 days. Ravishingx's Fortnite Tracker Profile

I'm tired as hell too, 5hrs sleep all week. Starting to get into it though. Only took 2 months lol.
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