France! Jtai cass?!

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I just got back last Tuesday from two weeks in France. Mainly in Paris, but I also went to Caen, Strasbourg, Reims, and Epernay.

I was paranoid the first four or five days after reading so many stories about pickpockets and I used a money belt, which I found quite obnoxious to use, so after that I said fuck it and just carried my wallet and cellphone in my front pants pockets. Never had a problem, and didn't even see that many Romanians (I did see some.) If I was in a crowded area I kept my hands in my pockets. I was in and out of touristy areas constantly.

I did once encounter a Romanian cunt of about 40 years old who tried to get me to sign a petition for a fake charity and donate money, which of course was obviously fake as shit and I told her smarmy thing like "I'm not stupid enough to sign that," and she walked off without saying another word and started walking directly to another person. Interestingly enough, when she started talking to me, she spoke nearly perfect English without even much of an accent. The "petition signing" is a common scam from what I've read.

The only other annoying thing are the Africans who try to tie bracelets on your hand and then get you to donate. One of them is easy enough to tell to piss off, but the problem is some areas (like Sacre Coeur) there are DOZENS of them around and you'll get asked 5 or 6 or 7 times while you're trying to walk around. I lost my temper with one and squared up with him when he touched my hand, and he says "No man, it not like that!" I kept telling him I'd already seen the act 5 times before and I didn't want a bracelet, and the fucker just kept going on and on. From what I hear the cops bust them up from time to time, I would have enjoyed seeing them get the shit beat out of them and thrown in a bus.

I used Tripadvisor to find decent restaurants around wherever I was (the app has a location function.) I was rarely disappointed by a meal, I went with high-ranked but reasonably priced restaurants. Inbetween, I ate sandwiches from boulangeries very often, which were always good and omnipresent. Speaking of expensive food, I got fucked for a 6.5 euro SMALL cappucino pays to read the prices before ordering if you're in touristy areas. I had some great, sub 15 euro meals off the beaten path.

I'll add more later, at work right now. I really enjoyed everything though, only some minor annoyances. Oh, and one day, I believe possibly walking from Gare de l'Est, I wanted to walk back to the Seine instead of taking the metro. So I just looked at Google maps and picked the closest route. At about 12:30 PM I walked straight through about 15 minutes of brown town. Nothing happened, but it was a little disconcerting, as I only saw about two other white people in the span it took me to walk through the area, which tells me the local whiteys probably avoid it. I started seeing a lot of shops with "Africa" in the name, hair braiding salons, and rundown looking restaurants...and a whole helluva lot of brothers just "hanging" in the streets, some yelling at each other at one point and a crowd forming (I started walking the fuck as fast past that as possible.) Would not have been pleasant at night.

I would also like to reiterate Adam12's like of D'Orsay over the Louvre...the Louvre is a beast that's full of wonderful things, but D'Orsay is much more relaxing and better laid out for what it has.


I never understood the point of the signature boards. I assumed it was a distraction for pickpocketing?

The guys hawking the little metal Eiffel Towers and the like were pretty damn annoying and pushy, but straight up ignoring them always seemed to work, unlike the signature people who'll follow you around.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I never understood the point of the signature boards. I assumed it was a distraction for pickpocketing?

The guys hawking the little metal Eiffel Towers and the like were pretty damn annoying and pushy, but straight up ignoring them always seemed to work, unlike the signature people who'll follow you around.
That's what I've read, to distract you...but I think this woman was straight up looking for people dumb enough to give her money. She was by herself and I saw no throngs of kids waiting to start pickpocketing me as I was sitting down (I was sitting on a bench at the time, they couldn't have got into my pockets if they wanted to.) This was in a low traffic area next to that museum (can't remember the name, didn't go in) with I believe modern art and you could see all the plants and trees inside under glass.

The people selling those shitty souvenirs never once asked me anything, I just walked past them. If I were walking near any of them and there were no other people around to "block" for me I would also put a really shitty scowl on my face and keep looking forward, so I think that helps. I can kind of look angry anyway even when I'm not and I am bigger (not fat) than a lot of people I saw. My girlfriend here in the states is a French citizen and I talked to her and her parents extensively about my trip before I went, they said people probably wouldn't harass me like they do some tourists. I found that to be typically true...aside from those goddamn bracelet guys. In the grand scheme of things even they weren't that bad.

Found some videos on Youtube of the bracelet guys, for those of you who plan on going / don't know who they are.

They do the exact same shit in Rome, apparently.



Bronze Squire
The petition is just for easy fast money, they show you pics of poor kids in Africa or sad stuff and they ask you to give money for that charity that will help, obviously the charity doesnt exist.


Ssraeszha Raider
I accidentally knocked one of those petition bitches on her ass while I was rushing to my flight from Paris to London this summer. I just laughed and kept running.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not really a "national sport" since it's a business run by foreign mafia, almost all pickpockets are from romania, do not speak french and are less than 16yo, I feel that they are being kicked out of the subway and other mass transportations but you have to be careful in the touristic areas. They target almost exclusively asian women, but if you're being dumb they'll seize the opportunity.
I'm gonna throw numbers here without anything backing them up, feel free to doubt them since I can't disclose internal data :

- In 2012 in France, 54% of pure pickpocket theft (by scam, assault or sneak) convicted people are from North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc), 19% are from South America and 17% are from Eastern Europe. Most convicted romanians do organized scam begging, aka they're showing you legit / unlegit organization papers (Red Cross, etc) and while they pretend to give the money back to these associations, they keep it to themselves. Granted, underage (-16yo) romanians practice pickpocket since French law won't punish them or their parents but they're not really good at it since they often wear shitty / stinky clothing (since most of them live in camps) and have bad presentation so most people are on their toes when they're around. A lot of them got arrested (but not convinced since they're under 16).

- One of the most popular theft is luggage theft : you're in some train station / airport, some guy comes asking you about anything, while other guy steals your luggage / laptop bag / etc. Also during train boarding, you put your luggage on the top shelf, that guy is gonna put his jacket on your luggage and then take his jacket back with your luggage. In big ass French train stations like Gare du Nord / Gare de Lyon it's estimated about 30 luggage thefts happen every day. Railroad police have a special plain clothes unit operating, but they're overwhelmed since they're most of the time 2-3 for a whole station. Luggage theft is popular because in France even if you get caught, if it's not violent, you'll most likely never do hard prison time. If you steal some grandma luggage without knocking her to the ground, you'll get probation. If you knock her you'll directly go to prison for months / years. Shitty law system, here I come.

- I'm apologizing about the "national sport", I didn't mean it's done by national citizens, I meant popular in France. Also most people steal because "they need to eat" therefore in France, country of human rights, they most of the time get away with it. I'm a french citizen and I feel bad when tourists get ripped just because my country has shitty legal system, hence the aforementioned information. France is a pickpockets heaven, better be safe than sorry.