

<Gold Donor>
I plowed through these shows over the winter on Amazon Prime and I fucking loved the series. I never saw season 5 though. Great characters and great actors. Will definitely watch again after some time has passed.

Also a lot of people try to break these shows down to some realistic interpretation and how none of this makes sense because of the paradox, or unrealistic nature of the events...etc... I tend to watch these type of shows for the sheer entertainment and my mind has no problem letting go of the obvious inconsistencies and just how unreal all this crap is. Same thing with the movie Prometheus or others like it. In order to enjoy any Sci-Fi you have to give in to disbelief. My wife, for instance just cannot. she just cannot let her imagination flow and just enjoy shows like this for what they are. she just says "this show is stupid, how can you watch shit like this" while Im laughing inside thinking of all the hours she fucking wasted watching General Hospital and other stupid ass shows like that, which are even more unbelievable.


The Scientific Shitlord
I think the biggest problem for s5 was the budget cuts. I was happy to get resolution on the story, though.


<Gold Donor>
Also, a lot of people try to break these shows down to some realistic interpretation, where evrything just has to be based around reality. How none of this makes sense because of the paradox, or unrealistic nature of the events...etc...Or it does not make sense because its just not logical. No shit, its fantasy. I tend to watch these type of shows for the sheer entertainment and my mind has no problem letting go of the obvious inconsistencies, logical fallacies, and just how unreal all this crap is. Same thing with the movie Prometheus or others like it. In order to enjoy any Sci-Fi you have to give in to disbelief. My wife, for instance just cannot. she just cannot let her imagination flow and just enjoy shows like this for what they are. she just says "this show is stupid, how can you watch shit like this" while Im laughing inside thinking of all the hours she fucking wasted watching General Hospital and other stupid ass shows like that, which are even more unbelievable.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i liked the first 2 seasons a lot, it seems like they had a definite plotline mapped out that they followed.

then the show fell into the same trap that Lost fell into. Stuff that was super important 2 weeks ago, wasnt even mentioned anymore. Tons of dead ends, tons of pointless directions, no cohesive or concrete narrative

J.J. Abrams should have at learned something from Lost by then though


<Gold Donor>
I think it was fine until season 4 myself, thats where it all fell apart for me. Season 4 just seemed "off" for some reason.


I suspect it was the same thing for both 4 and 5, they were so sure they were going to be cancelled they hadn't allowed themselves to think that far ahead so when S3 finished with seemingly a self contained story for S1toS3 they had to start again, new plot arc and everything.

As for the 'off' thing, perhaps it was the same thing I mentioned earlier. It wasn't the same characters we had followed for three years. Instead of a red and blue universe it was effectively a third universe because Peter never existed so everyone that interacted with him had led a different life. Then Peter popped back into it again, they merged Olivia from the original universe with the new one and urgh... It was still decent compared to most shit on telly, but it just didn't feel the same.

Well, that's how I looked at it anyway.

Lost Ranger_sl

Sorry for the necro, but I just started watching this show and had a quick question.

I am currently about to start season 4, and a guild mate of mine told me to just skip episode 19, and watch it as the season 5 premier. He didn't want to spoil anything so didn't say anymore. I'm curious now so would you guys recommend that as well? I didn't want to look anything up so I can avoid spoilers. Didn't read the thread either for obvious reasons.


Hmm. I kind of get why he said to do that, but I always believe in watching shows in order. Actually do watch it in order its kind of amusing seeing the decisions in the last episodes after watching 19.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Spoiler question for Season 3:

I don't like the plotline with the "evil" Olivia in our universe and the "good" Olivia in the other universe. I've watched the first four episodes of Season 3. How much longer does this continue, or does it become indefinite (in which case I'll quit watching)?


As a god-tier X-files/Millennium fanboy
, I've always been curious about Fringe but just haven't taken the plunge. Now that 5 seasons are available, can any fellow Chris Carter fans give it their seal of approval?

I just hate the idea of getting a few season in and then regretting it.


FPS noob
you won't regret it, watch it. has the same stuff that made x-files great: interesting stories, lot of monster-of-week stuff, great characters and interactions between them all, and loads of weird stuff going on.

btw gillian anderson is in a british show called The Fall, she plays a cop or something and still looks gorgeous

Lost Ranger_sl

I finished it up finally, and I'll give my seal of approval as well. Great show. I can see how S4 would annoy people if you watched it week to week. I actually really enjoyed it just doing a marathon over the weekend.

I watched episode 19 in the order that it aired in and I can see why my friend said to skip it and watch it as the S5 premiere. You can do it either way and it works. If you watch it during S4 it is a big "wtf..." episode, but it got me excited for S5.


I really appreciate the recommendations, I'm always on the hunt for quality sci-fi shows. Perhaps a season 1 marathon is in order for this weekend.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone starting the show...just realize that it doesn't "get good" until a good ways into Season 1. I can't remember the exact turning point, but give the show some time.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Halfway through season 3 now and as an old X-files fan I also love it, though it had a rough spot at the start of s3 (that I didn't like, but from reading about it most others liked it). You should watch the first few episodes at least. The three main actors have a great chemistry together, and the supporting cast are also good. Can't actually say that I dislike (from an acting point of view) any of the recurring cast.


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I liked the show but the main thing for me was Walter, and on occasion, Pacey, were the only characters I really cared about. The actors were fine, but the writing never really sold me the personalities of the characters like a Firefly or Breaking Bad seem to do so effortlessly. The show was good though, and worth a watch.