They probably tried to move up to the next tier of protection and Comcast deactivated them instead.Maybe they hit their alarm cap for the month and weren't able to get any more alarms until the next billing cycle.
Their whole system now seems like it is just cloud based. When you're recording a show I actually think it just pulls it from the cloud rather than being saved anywhere. I am thinking with live events it actually records it on your box.Wanted to record the NBA Finals, a live event. Just one episode gives you the option to end the recording up to an hour and a half later than scheduled, which is great! Oh, want to set up a series of recordings for live events? Can only end the recording up to 5 minutes late.
Their old system was shitty, but to replace it with something that has so many basic, fundamental issues is astonishing.
Oh yeah, like I found out the other day when you hit record watching live tv it no longer records what was previously being saved (would just turn the blue bar red and it was saved). You can rewind it and watch it again, but can't record it. Pretty fucking annoying and pointless to remove that feature.
This is literally the same with every cable company. If you think Comcast is any better I wonder if you have had recent head trauma.Bump to admit I miss Comcast. Been staying with family and holy shit Charter is bad. They're similar to pre-X1 Comcast, but even worse as Charter has shit on demand, and much of what they do have is only offered in standard def (The Walking Dead on SD with the image still stretched funny makes it hard to watch that show). Old shitty style DVR where you can only record 2 programs at a time.... if not watching live TV. The DVR where I'm staying has at least one program on it at all times that inexplicably won't delete for weeks. On their website pricing things and they offer "free DVR service" but it took me a while to realize you still had to pay for the DVR box.... free service? I'm the one pressing the fucking record button on two shows at a time! They even still advertise "Free HD channels" as if that shouldn't be standard these days in anywhere civilized.
with Charter "Spectrum" they're trying a whole Xfinity rebrand sort of thing like Comcast did. Result of that: I've been over to my Girlfriend's Grandparents' house like 3 times since the change to fix their computer, usually email, because the Spectrum changeover broke everything.
Fucking bad bad bad. But people tell me their customer service is great! Sucks if the only service I want is decent TV, I guess.