sheeeeeit I love me some BellyHave you seen Belly? It has Gumo in it, thats how bad it is.
Gina Carano look like a mufuggin Treant... bitch sproutin trunks n roots n shit...this is Gina Carano
Sometimes you're right. Its an excuse to argue a week scientific premise. But other times it simply " is what it is." I don't need to know how my car works. I just know that it does. It's not a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of interest.I wouldn't judge people based on their faith... their passion and belief makes lots of them better people (and lots of them worse)
but the answer "God" is like the answer "because". it's hollow, it's an excuse for an actual lack of knowledge, and it's a security blanket for those who are afraid of not knowing... or maybe afraid of knowing so much that they realize they are no longer special little butterflies.
intellectual crutches
Celeblounge | Promis | Internationale Celebs | Deutsche StarsThat titty looks shooped, look at the pixels.