Would be better if it took into account muscle mass instead of just height/waist/bmi.
American looks pretty slender compared to most of the guys I saw walking around the mall today
He's still probaly an 82cm waist(japan style)Would be better if it took into account muscle mass instead of just height/waist/bmi.
I did notice a little difference in height but not too much when visiting US. But yeah, we're fucking giants over here yet we suck at basketball.
Fat Studies: Colleges Hot New Course? - The Daily BeastIn a number of colleges, student groups with a fat activist agenda have emerged, including Hampshire, Smith, and Antioch. Fat studies is now available as an interdisciplinary course of study at some colleges, taking a similar approach to other identity studies such as women's studies, queer studies and African American studies.
WTF, that fatty's name is "Cat Pause".