Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Vyemm Raider
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
lol you really pissed off the faggot dicksucker brigade with that one.


Or, and hear me out here, Maybe JUST MAYBE keep the garbage old man boomer Low IQ facebook political shit in the political forum where it belongs and stop being a faggot complaining about reactions?

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Molten Core Raider
I'm gonna call bullshit on this one.

There's 4 components to most standard knee replacements: the large front facing piece that covers the femoral condyles, the tibial component, and then two plastic spacers between the femorotibial and patellofemoral interfaces.

Each of those components requires shaving off the bone at certain angles and then using trials to ensure fit and stability before cementing the actual implants in place.

My guess is that your boy was talking about the navigation or computer assisted devices that many orthos use now to line up their cuts and ensure proper cutting angles. That being said, each company is a little different and uses their own special jig or some proprietary set up that requires some special tool or something that until you've seen it or used it, would be impossible to figure out.

So maybe putting the array upside down, or attaching the jig upside down or something? Sure. But the implant? No.

View attachment 533516

Here's a good video of a computer assisted knee replacement:

You are 100% correct as big of doofuses my ortho colleagues are, they do not put the implant in upside down. Also the reps are cocksucking twats about 98% of the time.

Picture unrelated.

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