Funny, Strange, Random Pics


The Dirtbag
You guys are fucking idiots about the tip thing. Obviously you have never gone out with friends, split the bill a few different ways and just paid your share. Certain POS systems do this all the time.

The ENTIRE bill was $192.45 or close enough. This person is ONLY paying for their portion and guest number 1. There is another ticket with the remainder balance on the table that we are not seeing. However the POS machine calculates the tip for the TOTAL bill on the table number because that is the way this particular POS system works. The tip calculation part only works for table number or server ID, not for each individual jackass that only wants to pay their part.



<Silver Donator>
What are we looking at here? Is this the full receipt? because those items don't add up to $83 either, but $77.68

Even if you add those two up, the suggested tips still don't fit
Look close at the first receipt. That's a split cheque, the tip suggestion is probably for the combined total.
