God damn...This one is funny, trying to picture a morbidly obese woman trying to leg press 22 plates (990 pounds). With all the shit she is talking, maybe she is classified obese because she is a body builder chick...
God damn...
But anyway, didn't take much effort to google.
Dances With Fat | Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are Not Size Dependent
I dunno on this one. Sumofat probably honestly, if she really does the dance etc. I'll accept "reasonably" fit under all that fat. But still must eat 7000-8000calories or something stupid.
Was this actually confirmed? I have a hard time believing such a pig could walk for 13 hours straight, much less the distance of 42km...it's the same woman who took 13 hours to run a marathon
Actually, a 13 hour marathon can be done by walking at an average speed for six and a half hours and eating/bathroom/sleeping the other 6.5 hours.Was this actually confirmed? I have a hard time believing such a pig could walk for 13 hours straight, much less the distance of 42km...
Ragen Chastain, page 37Was this actually confirmed? I have a hard time believing such a pig could walk for 13 hours straight, much less the distance of 42km...
I wonder how many air conditioners her fat ass is worth...it's the same woman who took 13 hours to run a marathon