S Spacecommander5_sl shitlord 19 0 Apr 30, 2015 #35,402 @ vinyard - i see what you were talking about. touche and dually noted
C cmoney Molten Core Raider 26 -2 Apr 30, 2015 #35,403 Boobietastles_sl said: Click to expand... no me gusta
Sutekh Blackwing Lair Raider 7,489 107 Apr 30, 2015 #35,404 Jack Lemmons Balls_sl said: : First Look at Will Smith as Deadshot Click to expand... Why are you comparing deadshot in his costume to deadshot in a civilian outfit? He's out shopping with a small girl in that scene, you really think he's going to be wearing his cybernetics and the outfit that's made him notorious? Christ.
Jack Lemmons Balls_sl said: : First Look at Will Smith as Deadshot Click to expand... Why are you comparing deadshot in his costume to deadshot in a civilian outfit? He's out shopping with a small girl in that scene, you really think he's going to be wearing his cybernetics and the outfit that's made him notorious? Christ.
Void BAU BAU <Gold Donor> 9,946 11,958 Apr 30, 2015 #35,406 Jack Lemmons Balls_sl said: : First Look at Will Smith as Deadshot Click to expand...
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 Apr 30, 2015 #35,408 Boobietastles_sl said: Spoiler Click to expand...
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 Apr 30, 2015 #35,411 Model Cassandra Bankson Discovers She Has 2 Vaginas "There is one vaginal opening but inside there are two vaginas, two uteri, two cervixes and two fallopian tubes." reminded me of:
Model Cassandra Bankson Discovers She Has 2 Vaginas "There is one vaginal opening but inside there are two vaginas, two uteri, two cervixes and two fallopian tubes." reminded me of:
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 May 1, 2015 #35,416 Tenjikuronin_sl said: Click to expand...
J Jack Lemmons Balls_sl shitlord 406 3 May 1, 2015 #35,418 I like the random girl in bikini slideshow they use at the end of the article to cleanse your eyes. Tallywackers: All-male version of Hooters opens in May
I like the random girl in bikini slideshow they use at the end of the article to cleanse your eyes. Tallywackers: All-male version of Hooters opens in May
J Jobitz_sl shitlord 116 0 May 1, 2015 #35,419 A very threatening error message I received on the computer at work.
Warrian ╰⋃╯ლ(´ڡ`ლ) 141 29 May 1, 2015 #35,420 There's only one explanation. Fuck java. Forever and for always.