Sarah Nyberg, a transsexual formerly living as Nicholas Nyberg, sometimes known as Sarah Butts, is a well-known critic of the GamerGate movement who was recently quoted on the topic by The Washington Post. She enjoys the support of prominent progressive commentators including Salon columnist Arthur Chu, former NFL punter Chris Kluwe and academic Katherine Cross.
But a recent leak from an online chat room owned by Nyberg reveals Nyberg's disturbing past. In 2005, Nyberg described herself as a pedophile, revealed how she was obsessed with her young cousin, who was 8 years old at the time and whom we will refer to as "Alice," defended white nationalism, and orchestrated a cyberattack against a rival's website. Public records reveal that she currently owes at least $100,000 in back taxes and is classed as a "delinquent" by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.