How about for the.....Funny,Strange, and/orRandompics-- that's whatFSRstands for after all.....there really doesn't seem to be any reason to bother with this forum anymore.
I know I've been lurking since FOHSS and It's great when you get FSR but like I said, it had been days of the same stupid shit which has been neither funny, strange or random and I felt the need to address it. I'd rather play kitten or tranny with Fedor than see this shit.How about for the.....Funny,Strange, and/orRandompics-- that's whatFSRstands for after all
Is it bad that I immediately knew not only what porn star that is, but what video it is from?
Now you've awoken my interest... Could someone please tell me who this is and where this (seemingly) glorious piece of art is to be found?Impressive that she can relax her sphincter enough while doing a handstand.
hmm... i wonder how fast that shit absorbs through your colon walls... i imagine if you stand up too fast you end up robo-drippin'