My Mustang was always popular with the ladies. Me, not so much.At first I misread that as "Unfunny ass Mustang memes" and thought, 'Why would he post so many if he knew they weren't funny?'
The sad realization: you didn't know.
It's due to uniparental disomy of chromosome 15. Basically a certain section of chromosome 15 of the maternal DNA is normally silenced and so the only genetic information that our bodies use is from the same section of the paternal DNA. With Prader Willi Syndrome, the DNA from the paternal chromosome is deleted, therefore you're essentially missing that genetic information altogether. It leads to hyperphagia or overeating and that's why the kids tend to be obese. There's also intellectual disability and such.180lb 5 year old. Some kind of rare disorder I didn't fully understand, Prader Willi.
I've never known anyone around here to have a homeowners insurance policy that didn't cover hail. I'm definitely covered.Unfortunately, unless you specifically have hail coverage an insurance company will not usually cover it.
They consider it "an act of God".
Yes, lots of mustang's leaving Cars and Coffee recently trying to show off and losing control to run into the crowds watching. I'm not sure what kicked off the meme but it exploded on my Facebook yesterday and has been full steam ahead ever since. They also aren't known for their handling but straight line power/drag races.If it's not going to be covered, before you call the insurance company take a shotgun and shoot through all the holes and claim that's how they happened.
I don't understand the mustang stuff. Has there been a rash of mustangs killing people or something?
Out of curiosity, did someone plow through the wall in your neighbors yard?