You know there is a thread about that.Is that the only picture of Emma Watson that makes her look hot?
Whoops, at first glance I thought that was a mold of Lindsey Lohan's Vag.
Fedor is the man. Im legit trying to practice his timing/posing for my live games (im still a poker noob tho...)I'm watching fedor play poker on TV right now. Gotta say, this is pretty much exactly like I pictured him. He's german BTW, which explains a lot. Fedor Holz
I didn't mean I am attempting to match his play - I am well aware that the highlight reels aren't showing the 15+ folds in a row that can happen when your not dealt a hand. I specifically was referring to his timing while he decides what to do (he is consistent with it, regardless of whether it is an easy choice, a hard one, a bluff, the stone cold nuts, etc - I think I have timing issues where its a possible tell and I am trying to eliminate that) and his posturing/posing after he acts - again, very consistent, with that arm cross and the stare. It downright intimidates opponents at times.Attempting to imitate pros is not going to get you very far, and nearly always bad for the bankroll. When you see them on TV, you are only getting highlights, and not the full story. They may have folded hand after hand before you see them pull off a sick bluff, or outplay some other player, etc.
For book suggestions, many will suggest the Harrington on Hold'em series.
Another good resource isTwitch. There are a handful of really good players, and you can see every hand they play, and they usually provide a good explanation for what they are doing. My favorites to watch are tonkaaaaP and Jason Somerville.
the lengths jews go thru in order to get that coin amazes me