Smuggly is odd but how do you not know SJW
or you could just use google for that shit
(Spoilered for length)Thank you my good man!! Some of the icons are on google, some (like hodjing) are not. I have been on the new FSR since it came over from the old board and I have never seen any description of what the new rating icons mean, or when to use them. I do know that when I became a donor I suddenly gained access to a few additional icons(?).
It appears that rating points are not taken away any more. Correct? And it appears that a few of the FSR's most active members rather selfishly can't be bothered to leave any ratings for others at all. WTF, Fedor?
And, just because google provides a definition of what some letters stand for does not mean google provides a context for the icons, i.e. 'smuggly', as related to the ReRolled universe. When is it better to use 'bullshit' than 'garbage' or 'dislike'? What does the Worf guy mean? When is 'solidarity' more appropriate than 'Like'? Isn't there a thread explaining this shit somewhere?
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Just imagine the smugglypuffs that would be earned. @Amod request smugglypuff rating be added.
It is my request that should @Araysar provide video proof to you, that he be awarded 1000 Smugglypuffs. What say you all?
Thank you my good man!! Some of the icons are on google, some (like hodjing) are not. I have been on the new FSR since it came over from the old board and I have never seen any description of what the new rating icons mean, or when to use them. I do know that when I became a donor I suddenly gained access to a few additional icons(?).
It appears that rating points are not taken away any more. Correct? And it appears that a few of the FSR's most active members rather selfishly can't be bothered to leave any ratings for others at all. WTF, Fedor?
And, just because google provides a definition of what some letters stand for does not mean google provides a context for the icons, i.e. 'smuggly', as related to the ReRolled universe. When is it better to use 'bullshit' than 'garbage' or 'dislike'? What does the Worf guy mean? When is 'solidarity' more appropriate than 'Like'? Isn't there a thread explaining this shit somewhere?
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