Funny, Strange, Random Pics
Feanor Karazhan Raider 7,766 35,305 Jan 27, 2017 #51,822 What happened to @Royal? 111 Reactions: 2 users
Feanor Karazhan Raider 7,766 35,305 Jan 27, 2017 #51,830 My opinion of the FSR 1. Royal (unquestionable style and grace) 2. Ryanz (posts every picture from reddit /all) 3. Caepan (very original, a little weird, which is good) 4. ?? everybody else including me 221 Reactions: 8 users
My opinion of the FSR 1. Royal (unquestionable style and grace) 2. Ryanz (posts every picture from reddit /all) 3. Caepan (very original, a little weird, which is good) 4. ?? everybody else including me