No foul play suspected? History of depression? How can this be? Terrified Mericans aren't smart enough to fake this level of non-foul play.
Oh well, at least he has siblings to smolder with anger over the internet detectives (tm) and eventually snap.
Why yes, I am that bitter at how easily humans in this country get hysterical and do un-thinking shit that has long lasting consequences.
It seems that we are in another situation where we have a lot of questions (in random order) and really no good answers:
Was he alive at the time of the bombing? (If not, then the entire issue of his being wrongly suspected has nothing to do with his death.)
Was he killed because he was suspected of perpetrating the marathon bombing?
If so, was he killed by some vigilante out of (perceived) revenge over the bombings?
Or, did he kill himself because the accusation pushed him over the proverbial edge? Did he kill himself for some other reason?
Was he killed by someone else for some other reason, not related to the bombing?
Did he die accidentally (fell into the water)?
Since we don't (as far as I can tell) have any answers to any of these, the only thing I'm going to do is pay more attention. Make sure that Boston authorities don't try to just bury this with silence.
I'm sure in a few days though, we'll get _some_ answers.
Your point is well taken though. The mob mentality needs to be quashed, especially in high stress events like the immediate bombing aftermath.