More than 1/4 of the people who died in OK were in a basement. Looking at the aftermath I'm suprised more people didn't die. You also took green to mean "no danger" instead of just lower than the red areas.What possible reward would exist for living in fucking OKLAHOMA. At least build yourself abasementwhere you can hide from a Tornado if it is coming to kill you. Although I can't really complain, the world has too many people as is.
Here you go, the green parts are safe.
Man where will everyone live now?!
sorry, forgot which thread I was inYou do realize there is a thread completely dedicated to animated gifs right ?
That pot cave was in the county I live in. It was some crazy crap, and my "legalize it" attitude was in dismay as all the money wasted on that bust. Was pretty cool how they operated but one simple mistake cost them the entire operation.So I have to apologize to everyone. I thought the feminazi bullshit was the worse derail ever. I was wrong
Take it to the political thread or whatever people do. Just leave FSR out of it please. tl;dr = post funny strange random or gtfo
for length