Funny, Strange, Random Pics


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Ways Keanu has secretly given away millions

Keanu insisted on handing over a significant portion of his back-end points to the films' special effects and costume design teams.

When it was all said and done, Keanu reportedly ended up giving away an estimated $75 million dollars. Each member of these teams received $1 million dollars per person, instantly making them all millionaires. But Keanu didn't stop at just the special effects and costume teams. He also gave the entire stunt team on the "Matrix" sequels Harley Davidson motorcycles.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Ways Keanu has secretly given away millions

Keanu insisted on handing over a significant portion of his back-end points to the films' special effects and costume design teams.

When it was all said and done, Keanu reportedly ended up giving away an estimated $75 million dollars. Each member of these teams received $1 million dollars per person, instantly making them all millionaires. But Keanu didn't stop at just the special effects and costume teams. He also gave the entire stunt team on the "Matrix" sequels Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Pretty much everything I hear about Keanu Reeves is that he is just an awesome dude. He would make the top 10 list of people I would want to sit down and share a beer with.

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