TL;DR: Failed to recognize President Taft in front of his great great grand daughter & room full of people.
Ohio, back in the 00's had Bob Taft as governor. He's the direct descendent of president Taft. His Grandson I think. He has a daughter about my age named Anna. I dated one of Anna's best friends. In doing so I got to hang out at the governor's mansion a few times for parties. At one of these parties there's 30 of Anna's friends playing this dumb game. It consists of flash cards. Big paper cards that have a photo of a famous person on one side and hints about who they are on the other. You're supposed to guess who it is. 30 or so people playing this.
Gets to be my turn and Anna Taft shows me a flash card that has Teddy Roosevelt on it. I know it's Roosevelt because it's that old timey black and white quality, is a president I remember seeing, has small glasses, and that correct style of mustache.
With great authority and confidence I blurt out "That's Teddy Roosevelt" and the room goes fucking silent. You might not know this sort of silence so let me explain. This is the sort of silence where someone has done something so fucking stupid that no one knows how to reply to it. Literally no one knows if they should laugh about it, make a joke, or ask if I'm serious. They realize I'm serious. They they point out that it's PRESIDENT TAFT. Not only was I dead wrong, I got it wrong in front of his great great grand daughter. My ex about died of embarrassment.