type 1 diabetic for 20+ years. bernies insulin fear mongering campaign is bullshit. i saw one meme recently that said the average diabetic uses 36 vials of humalog a year, claiming ridiculous numbers about how much they have to spend on insulin....da fuck? thats not even close to average, thats eating yourselve to death. even at my worst state of diabeetus control, i dont even know how you could comfortably consume that much food... i've used 2.5 vials in 5.5 months. Nutrition, exercise, supplementation, and even meditation (yes omg, small minded folk will say this is bullshit. there are peer reviewed clinical studies proving the correlation) can lower insulin resistance. Meaning you need DRASTICALLY less insulin to lower your blood sugar when you are required to take it. Decreasing the amount of money you spend on insulin 5-20x or more in some cases.
sad truth is the bernster wouldn't even come close to winning an election or run a campaign based on nutrition..because people dont want to hear that they are responsible for their own demise. it would be unacceptable criticism, fat shaming, an affront to their way of life, and all they want is a prescription instant cure and continue making terrible choices that destroy their body and make them a drain on society. which is essentially telling all these useless fat fucking peices of shit that they are responsible for killing themselves and why they look and feel like an immobile monstrosity. sure its fucked up that insulin prices keep rising, can people really be surprised at the pharmaceutical companies this day and age?
the diabeetus/insulin problem isn't a diabeetus/insulin problem... it's a food addiction + Big Food corruption epidemic.
and for the love of god dont think this is anti bern or pro trump. entirely nonpartisan facts about our shitty population. if you dont like this youre probably just a fatty or type 2 diabetic loser.
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