Molten Core Raider
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While the direct mortality rate from measles is low, 1 in 10 kids infected suffered hearing loss and it can cause bigtime problems for pregnant women. If you don't think measles are scary enough, insert your disease of choice. Structure is the same.
I already know I am going to get a lot of shit for this, but I don't care.
I keep seeing this same anti-vaxx = stupid meme over and over. Anybody who treats something as complex as the human immune system and biology as this simple one line subject indicates their intelligence. Additionally, the way people recite their doctors words or health professionals with the same fervor as the religious people they love to bash astounds me.
Scientific reasoning predicates that we are always skeptical i.e. we don't just assume something is working even if all the evidence points to it being that way. We may have missed something. Case and point this chart you linked. I always see it and I always ask the same question. What happened before the dates listed? Could this chart just be a small sample size designed to make vaccines look more impressive? Turns out the answer is yes.
Death from disease has been on the decline since the 1900's. This notion that vaccines are the holy grail to combating diseases is a shallow look at a broad span of history.
Furthermore the fact that people are so willing trust these vaccine manufactures that cannot be held civilly liable is baffling. If you could operate with impunity what would you do? Do you know how much money is in vaccines?
Dismissing peoples arguments (as long as the argument comes from a place of sincerity) keeps you stupid. Consider the other side. I have looked at both sides of the argument and I feel comfortable sitting in the no vaccination camp (for now) and I respect your right to be in the vaccination camp, but can we please stop with this belittling dismissive attitude towards a very nuanced subject that has dire consequences on both sides of the fence?
Health Sentinel - Vaccines
Products - Vital Statistics of the US - Homepage
Also, here are some pictures so you don't think I am a total shitbag.
Plasma jets coming off a black hole
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