Its always whities fault in America, didnt you know? Black Basketball player gives ten grand of food to homeless people recently, which looked to be mostly white, and it goes viral. Professional cameras, and more following him around while he did it. White NFL player did it a couple years ago or less?... without cameras, only news reports and a couple pictures, and the story was that he did it for fame / recognition. The double standard is just pathetic and makes me ignore racism altogether and those that are crying racism just dont seem to get why people like myself are apathetic.
As for terror, a map from 2017 still gives a more accurate view of racial tendencies and overall country happiness. I've been waiting for the Total War series to put more emphasis on the civil unrest in those countries like they did with Portugal. Fk that place in Total War. It would be interesting to see what that map will look like in 30 years when more than just predominantly white countries have records. Nor will the governments in place be able to hide it at that point (I would think.) The countries on the rise just so happen to have, or did have up until recently.. lax immigration laws. How hard can it be to connect the dots.