I remember one night in Pennsylvania, drunk off my ass, getting into a HUGE fight with my little brother. He ordered me a hoagie from WaWa with tomatoes and he said just pick them off! I lost it. I went into this semi autistic rage and started talking like a black blues singer from the deep south in the 30s. All the good people in WaWa heard was mumbling with me screaming "BITCH!! I DONT WANT NO TOMATO JUICE ON MY SANDWICH!" I threw the wrapped sandwich at him no less than 4 times and was screaming something about the downfall of society and I bet Romans did not have to deal with tomato juice mixing in with the mayonaise.
I remember getting RUSHED out of there because the cops were about to or were called. I ate the sandwich in the end but the next morning my brother said he was laughing so hard he almost shit his pants.
PIC Related, if you are in Eastern PA, look for a primo sandwich shop! Totally worth it!
I really dislike Xanax. It's basically an off switch. I like your idea to do it with cocaine but I can no longer stand the 7 lines of blood I have to do for every one of coke. I'm a Valium guy and a cheap drink at that. 5mg and I'm good.