Please see the Underlined portion:
Cracker, sometimes white cracker or cracka, is an expression for white people,[1] especially poor rural whites in the Southern United States.
In reference to a native of Florida or Georgia, however, it is sometimes used in a neutral or positive context and is sometimes used self-descriptively with pride.[2]
[2] Ste. Claire, Dana (2006). Cracker: Cracker Culture in Florida History. University Press of Florida.
Considering that everyone involved are Floridians, and we know that Floridians are only marginally less Crazy than Texans, it's a possibility.
And even if it was used in the pejorative sense: teenagers vs someone old enough, wealthy enough, and with enough to lose, to fucking know better. Not to mention it's not ONLY about the N-Word, she's spewed other shit.
TLDR: Trolling: Successful.