You voted for Trump, right? The guy that's defaulted/bankrupted out of more loans than quite possibly anyone ever?
You voted for Trump, right? The guy that's defaulted/bankrupted out of more loans than quite possibly anyone ever?
Bing image search: Fat orange baby. Thanks Bing!
View attachment 218863
Are you that fucking stupid? I it a really bad troll attempt, or do you actually have a mental deficiency? Do you just blindly follow the masses of idiotic sheep millenials who think somehow the world OWES them something and whatever they want should be free and without effort? "Oh woe is me! Someone was mean to me once, please give me everything for free or else you're a bigot/racist/flavor of the month evil label".
Fuck off.
Uhhhh, buddy of mine just saw this on his fishfinder. Not good. View attachment 218896
Uhhhh, buddy of mine just saw this on his fishfinder. Not good. View attachment 218896
Uhhhh, buddy of mine just saw this on his fishfinder. Not good. View attachment 218896
Last week I went to my Brother in law's house at Smith Mountain Lake. Tried to find my nephews drone that crashed in the channel after hitting a tree. You could barely see your hand in front of your face. It got preeeety dark and cold at just 20 feet. I was by myself and noped back to the surface. Lake gets up to 250ft in spots lol, yikes!
Last week I went to my Brother in law's house at Smith Mountain Lake. Tried to find my nephews drone that crashed in the channel after hitting a tree. You could barely see your hand in front of your face. It got preeeety dark and cold at just 20 feet. I was by myself and noped back to the surface. Lake gets up to 250ft in spots lol, yikes!