Fucking simulation...View attachment 258116
buddy just built this, couldnt bmx in there though. but it came out sick af.
I know that image looks retarded, but's not a terrible idea (assuming you actually wanted to talk to people).
We actually flew like that on JSTARS. You can see it on this image. Where the crew rest line is pointing, in front of the bunks. It's a set of seats facing each other, 3 on each side, with a table that kind of folds up and down in between.
View attachment 246392
I'd imagine it's pretty common on private jets
That's funny as hell!I was looking for screencaps from the NAMBLA South Park ep, and instead found an ad for this bumper sticker. I ordered some, for parking lot revenge, and they've just arrived. I can't imagine what the people at the printing company thought when they packaged my order. I'm assuming their ad was procedurally-generated, but maybe they're just pedophiles *shrug*
View attachment 258126
King of New York
Both historically interesting and quite entertaining.I'll see your king and raise you an emperor.. of San Francisco.
View attachment 258127
Sasha Grey streaming Animal Crossing on Twitch. Something... odd. But wholesome? I dunno. Apparently she's been doing this for just over a year, almost 400k followers. kaaaaay... and she's absolutely terrible.
View attachment 258092