I've just been traveling, around traveling around. I just want to see all fifty states and all the capitals so I can get the fuck out of this country and never come back. Fucking hate it here. Everybody's fucking robots, everywhere I go there's fucking robots. I swear to God. Have you been to Times Square lately? I scream at people. One one zero zero one one zero zero, cause they're fucking robots. I hate them. I cannot wait to get out of this fucking country. I just travel around, get drunk, get wasted and have a good fucking time. I do what the fuck I want. Go where the fuck I want. Living the life, living the dream.
About a month ago. I've gone three and a half months without a shower before. Doesn't bother me. Why would you have to buy body odor? You make it. I get really mad at people who yell at me on the bus. You know you fucking smell like a chemical you bought in the store. I smell like what? What God wanted me to smell like. If your God wanted me to smell like flowers under my armpits, fucking flower smell would come out of my armpits. No, this is the smell that comes out. The only reason you can smell it is you're so busy trying to cover it up. I don't smell these kids. Sometimes I smell them and like damn you must smell really bad if I can smell you.
As a jam band fan who isn't a fucking addict, I get so sick of these motherfuckers. You notice its usually a youth sort of movement with these transient fucks, because its not a tenable long term lifestyle. I'm all for counter culture and going off the grid, doing your own thing, branching out. But the beats these hobos are not. The early surf community they are not. Kerouac they are fucking not. Reject society, that's great. But don't expect me to be impressed or even respect you as a person if you aren't actually doing fuck all. You're just dying your slow meaningless death in a different way than the pinks in their suits with their paychecks. If you don't produce something interesting or meaningful you don't get to look down your nose at other sheep who are lost in the same fields with a different set of fences.Yesterday fucking morning I woke up. Me and my boyfriend woke up. We were sleeping on 5th. Where was it 5th and A? My leash was around my wrist but my dog wasn't attached to my god damn leash. And fucking found out she was fucking gone. And then my boyfriend's supposed to get me a bag of heroin and then I went to sleep because I was all pissed off about my dog. Then I wake up and he's like, 'Baby I lost a bag of heroin." And I'm like, "God damn it. You lost. Ok you lost motherfucker, yeah you lost it." He's wasted. So I go back to sleep. I wake up and "Jahni your boyfriend's getting arrested."
You know who Denzel is, way to stick it to the man, brah.I got a hundred dollars from Denzel Washington in Venice Beach , California. In my first month traveling. It was really cool. Like the day before these kids jumped me. Kicked me in my face. Took all my money. So that sucks man. Actually he was really cool. Pounded knuckles with him and stuff. Talk for like five or ten minutes. He was really nice.
Amazing you would actually post something like this as if they are misunderstood poets on some sort of epic struggle to understand life. They are junkies. What don't you get about that? Most of if not all residents of the area don't like them. Half of these kids are from affluent families and are spoiled , bored kids. They contribute nothing to the park, or neighborhood and I repeat they are all junkies.. They are filthy, commit crimes and are a nuisance. Do I sound critical? Well I am. This is a neighborhood park. People from all walks of life, economic level, race, sexuality use this park including children and remember all these "punks" are from the suburbs. Parks in NY are a haven for residents. We utilize them and don't like it when junkie kids from the suburbs commit crimes, lay around all day and panhandle to do heroin, while our kids are playing in the very same park. There is nothing romantic about these kids and the one or two who seem to be in charge of them, who all the kids gravitate toward, who you don't have a picture of here are violent criminals. Amazing how pathetic the HP is for this.
The stupid crusties are all over town here and it's fucking annoying, because half of them are like the ones you listed in your next post. They all stay out in Beaverton with their wealthy parents and then come into town on the week to just be panhandlers cause they think it's a cool lifestyle and just want to lay around getting stoned and not working. Nothing is glamorous about crust punks these days.![]()
As a jam band fan who isn't a fucking addict, I get so sick of these motherfuckers. You notice its usually a youth sort of movement with these transient fucks, because its not a tenable long term lifestyle. I'm all for counter culture and going off the grid, doing your own thing, branching out. But the beats these hobos are not. The early surf community they are not. Kerouac they are fucking not. Reject society, that's great. But don't expect me to be impressed or even respect you as a person if you aren't actually doing fuck all. You're just dying your slow meaningless death in a different way than the pinks in their suits with their paychecks. If you don't produce something interesting or meaningful you don't get to look down your nose at other sheep who are lost in the same fields with a different set of fences.
Oh and the fucking dogs. Always these fucks with their fucking dogs. You are completely shunning all pretense of having responsibility and you are choosing to be in charge of another life? Fuck you.
Huh, that's the town I live in. Thanks Air Force for putting bases in small crap towns!
Honestly, I'm trying. I might be able to jump 2, maybe 3. But asking me to jump this many is risking my life.
Nope. I'm fully capable of hating two groups of shitbags at the same timeOr did I break your brain?